Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 21 (1996)(Alchemist Research)[a].tap
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7 The options available are:- 7 Paul Howard 5 Dave Fountain 5 Alchemist Research 5 36 Budges Road 4 By Paul Howard. 4 Alchemist Software 3 TAPE MESSAGES 3 Richard Main 3 Miles Kinloch 3 Marcus Prichard 3 Lloyd Garland 3 Justin Thorpe 3 James Waddington 3 Impact Software 3 Graham Collier 3 Ferry Groothedde 3 ERROR MESSAGES 3 Desmond Tyler 3 Dekamastrjitte 34 3 Carl Murray 3 62 Tithe Barn Lane 2 |~~__OOGGCCAA 2 by Ferry Groothedde 2 `17.50 single, `40 double 2 United Minds 2 TRADING POST 2 Silvertown 2 SOUTHAMPTON SO45 3JR 2 SOUND EFFECTS 2 SHEFFIELD S13 7LN 2 Roy Benson 2 Robert Skene 2 Robert Purchase 2 Psi-co of United Minds 2 Peter Reilly 2 Persona Software 2 Patrick Morriss 2 NETHERLANDS 2 Mark Harris 2 LOOP PUSH BC 2 LD A,(23624) 2 John Elliot 2 Jeremy Gower 2 J7:A?>A??>>BC 2 IMPACT SOFTWARE 2 Fountain PD 2 FOUNTAIN PD 2 EDIT Enters the EDITOR screen. 2 Dave Forrest 2 DJNZ PAUSE 2 DISPLAY Toggles between the 128 byteHEX/ASCII and the 512 byte ASCII displays.T 2 CALL #05B7 2 Ben Douglas 2 BINARY Hex to Binary converter. 2 Author unknown 2 Arnold Yates 2 Antony Purvis 2 Andy Davis 2 Alchemist Research Continental 2 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE 2 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH CONTINENTAL 2 78 Holtdale Avenue 2 70 CLOSE #* 2 57 Number 9 9 2 35 IF INKEY$=CHR$ 0 THEN GO TO 70! 2 30 The Rowans 2 30 LET a$=INKEY$#4 2 26 Spotland Tops 2 21 Ladycross Road 2 16 The Avenue 2 126 Hayward Road 2 11 Camel Road 2 10 OPEN #4;d1;a$IN 2 (Demo group) 2 (C) Gremlin Graphics 1 yet again! 1 y strange! One 1 with this issue, or available 1 will be my first officer Johnson,& 1 who'smastered time travel. The are fourteen ofus in all. We meet once a year for a drinkand a chat at a bar in the Bahamas. Our1994 reunion was something of a lark, myfuture self from 2022 popped back in timeto say hi! 1 when you could submit an article for$ 1 waving their d..<yes. I think thats# 1 vertically, 1 values in line 20 to load in any! 1 upon request. 1 two in our serial. 1 tutor courtesy of WOMO. 1 travelling 1 touch those'Scottish Widow' insurance schemes, the widows always look so bloody happy, I'd like to think that if I was married, mywife would be slightly distressed if Ipopped my clogs!) 1 time machine. 1 this issue. 1 this is surely a great moment. Sit downand take a look back - it is worth everyminute. It is maybe the same feeling thatwe had in April this year, when we havehad our 75th issue of our papermag. 1 theprogram.Someone also wrote about a"cassette buffer", which isn't there atall. Each file is read from tape or sentto tape one bit at a time, stored in aregister. 1 then I would happily grant him permissionto feature some of the programs which wehad obtained, beginning with MIKRO GEN'scollection. But, he has ignored ourletters, incriminating questions fromMiles Kinloch, and appears to becontinuing to run a shoddy service. 1 theinformation on your floppy!Not only forRND files, but also for IN and OUT files,the function PTR and the keyword POINT isavailable. PTR works fine, but POINTdoesn't. 1 theexistence of Tasword 128+D - given heftypromotions in several issues of AlchNewsand used by almost everyone with a +D!} 1 theaforementioned production and are offendedare one of the following:F 1 theVideoface. If you'd like free copies, justsend a tape or +D 3.5" disc and SAE to myaddress (given later) and ask! So far I'vedone: 1 theAccumulator. This instruction moves allthe bits in the accumulator one place tothe right. It is called 'rotate' becausethe contents of bit zero are moved roundand put in to bit seven. A simple shiftmoves each bit one place to the left orright, but fills the spare bit with azero. Shifts are used in arithmeticoperations. You can see that a straightshift to the left multiplies a number bytwo, and a shift to the right divides bytwo. 1 the same number of each. 1 the moors after 15:00." 1 the established co-ordinates. The Beta& 1 the air of BH6 and it is wonderful! It& 1 the Z80 emulator. 1 the September iss of AN, on the 31st Aug, now it has to be in on the 1st Aug, bloodydeadlines...), however I will try to fit them in next time (along side my X-Files rant). 1 the equipment repsonsible for our& 1 that title or THE HEX FILES. You 1 telling us (isn't funny how they alwaysknow WHERE to go for these dodgy CDs,almost as if they have a hand inmanufacturing them...), what gets me isthe fact that none of the car boots that Ihave been too, have anything remotelyas colourful as what these journos reckonyou can get (pentium PCs for `50 etc...), in fact the nearest I've ever got to dodgyCDs at a car boot, is 'DES O'CONNORSGREATEST HITS - Including his top 30 hit -The theme from 'NEIGHBOURS''!. <That wasTony Hatch, from Crossroads fame. Ed> 1 taking many soil, moisture and air& 1 stuck on them or home made scones)" 1 strange"exterminated" person from Germany saidour text was too nasty! Huh, the cheek ofit. I mean, it's not as if we swear allthe time is it? Oh. It is? Ehm... Wellthen. 1 starts to get picky. 1 star2913BH293383, now known as Beta Hydri.There are five significant suns in sector2913, named Alpha to Epsilon. 'Johnson'sFolly' is the only planet in the entiresector able to support life. 1 soon.Negotiations are underway to obtain theMikro Gen range of software. More titlesfrom Express Software may soon beavailable through ISW. 1 some new commands! (IF1 users 1 some Spectrum 1 samples, we will return to the ship# 1 ripped,skillyfully reproduced. Ed.> , the gamescannot be considered PD, although I doubtCodies would mind since they have nofurther use for their Speccy software. 1 reviews more Zenobi titles. 1 reformateverything. 1 reallyprofessional, much better than the rubberkeys.5 1 question master Paul Howard. 1 proposed landing area, high open& 1 prominentprogrammers. 1 printingstupid flyers (which people bin andattack) has a greater priority, and if anyother customers were fobbed off in thisway. 1 prettystraightforward to use. Make sure that youdo not turn ANIMATION OFF from the mainmenu screen, as doing so will prevent youfrom watching and/or saving an animation.Even if you don't want to animate, leaveit on because it won't affect singlescreen digitising anyway, and may help toavoid the bug in the program (see later).Press 1 to start digitising, and play theprerecorded tape or set the TV signal tocome through on a tuned in channel. 1 possiblyex-customers. Not only that, but if theytell their friends and other magazines, itjust makes your name even worse. Andsecondly, how come all the people you havetrouble with live in the North of GreatBritain? Myself, Roy Benson, Chris Taylor,United Minds, Miles Kinloch, all of theabove. Do you have a grudge against theNorth? 1 planet. The team who will be& 1 permutations,accompanied by my explanations:, 1 passenger on Justin Thorpe's 1 packaging everywhere, he plugged themachine in and began to play. As he playedhe called his mother, to show her theeyestraining graphics and eardrum beatingmusic and sound effects. 1 our birthday from friends WOMO. 1 ou will see that the PAUSEA loop isperformed 256 times on the first pass,once on the second pass and then one moretime each time the main loop is executed.But the PAUSEB loop is performed 256 timeson the first pass and one less tie foreach time the main loop is executed. 1 other kind of file (eg. text) 1 orwhatever. The game also contains a minorbug by which the message "You are carryingtoo much to hold" appears whenever youlook at your inventory, but this has noeffect on anything. 1 or dead is purely co-incidental. 1 open moors of the old Peak Park in& 1 onINFIRMARY STREET and run every half hour.The cost is approximately 60p and thejourney takes 45 minutes. The first bus isat 6:05. 1 on where to get your magazine 1 of register 13 1 occasional episode takes place in aforeign country, US pilot shot down by thenasty foreigner type of story line.w 1 nothingimportant in them. The descriptions arefairly short but there is slightly moreatmosphere in this game.s 1 not at what might be, but at what WILL be.* 1 noresponsibility for errors arising fromblah blah blah.; 1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39) 1 new Dizzy games. Whoopee :( 1 n()+-/024579;<>@ACEQ 1 n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$ 1 my first officer what he thought, his& 1 mw>CFECFCEC?A> 1 mw>>CCFFEECCFFCCEECC>>==<<apHJKJKJ 1 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ 1 movesavailable for the characters of the game,and a further 3 hours of eye-strainingtrying to do some, Shanz concluded that hecouldn't pull off any moves, except for awalk or a kick and the game was to berelegated to the cupboard, where he thennoticed his old, dust covered trustygaming companions that had served him wellfor the best part of his childhood. 1 moorland very reminiscent of the& 1 misdirecteddisastrously! 1 minutes, then why don't you ring me, and Iwell tell you what a fool you are for 10minutes, and guess what Bob, after tenminutes you'll get a discount! 1 mental asylum (the inmate is not mentally ill, just poorly educated), in the episodewhere Sam leaps into the body of an inmate(not so much Ooer, more a wibble, hatstand, Malcolm the bread's in the middle of theroad..., sort of Ooer!). 1 mCCEECCAAA?>>aMOMOMK 1 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ 1 m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$ 1 like Marty Shortobrains' 1 largecollections of superb quality software. Wealso run a check on every disc beforedispatch, so you are guaranteed highquality copies. Finally, if you experienceproblems with any of our software, returnthe disc (do not reformat or wipe) with acovering letter and stamp. We will checkand, where necessary, replace all filesbefore sending it back free of charge. 1 just north of Sussex. 1 journo gets on his high horse and brings you some 'hard hitting' expose of thesepirate CDs that get sold at carboot sales,you know the ones - with allegedly asquillion quids worth of sh*t-hot softwareon it, which will obviously bankrupt poorold Bill Gates. 1 it.Nevertheless, you can get some goodanimations with skilful use of theVideoface. By the way, I strongly adviseyou to make a video recording of whateveryou want to digitise, so you can go backand keep trying until you achieve thedesired effect. 1 is so pleasant to be out of the space& 1 is 11 degrees, and weather is clear& 1 invirtually any wordprocessor format, tapeor disk, but we do prefer:F 1 into the body of his younger self (surrealOoer!).1 1 interesting series. 1 installment with Spectrum Fair 1 information for the Soundtracker 1 influenza has not cleared yet! After& 1 hints and tips for OPENTYPE 1 hiding along side motor highways, jumpingout and scaring motorists by violentlyP 1 held SEPTEMBER 21ST 1996. 1 hasfinally closed down. 1 hardwarerequirements. This would cut* 1 guide by the Spectrum's most 1 from tape to +3 disk. 1 from other than A.R. 1 from WoMo-Team of SPC/Cologne 1 from Sept 96. 1 from our 1 fordigitising. Because they mainly consist ofoutlines, they tend to digitise andespecially animate very well indeed. Plusyou can colour them in - hints oncolouring will also be included in thenext issue. Bye! 1 for this great games library. 1 first words were: 'achooo', his& 1 finished at long last! 1 filing techniques, 1 files and Tasword 128. 1 f&&o//i+o+i)o)(( 1 experiencing 1 experiencedifficulties in this way.# 1 excellent, 1 etc,installing it from floppy disc takesseveral hours! In fact (time for a newparagraph, I think)...n 1 enough Roy, GET ON WITH YOUR COLUMN>$ 1 eachindividually addressable for true highresolution graphics, ASCII character setwith upper and lower case character,teletext compatiable, high speed load andsave (16k in 100 seconds via cassetterecorder). 1 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+ 1 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r& 1 downinstallation time and save hard drivespace! To stop@ 1 dodgy as his programming! 1 disk in a OPENTYPE format. Alter! 1 details of this unmissable fair, 1 defencecapabilities. Sure, they'd be happy tohelp, so long as they removed ALL mentionsin the film regarding AREA 51 and Roswell.Why? 1 death-rays, I was going to say. Oh well.( 1 crewman Haines, who will be carrying& 1 craft after eight long months. I ask& 1 correspondent. 1 correctinformation. <If the author of saidarticle copied it from the manual, then itis not his fault that Sinclair made amistake, is it? Ed.> 1 constitutes a 'car boot sale' - you know it doesn't you lying fools - your justP 1 competition. 1 caught up with me (I remember the days& 1 calling it a car boot, because it's more fashionable than 'flea market'.I 1 based Speccy emulators, but time has$ 1 avid digitiser! 1 as these can be processed far moreswiftly. Please format your text to 42columns, 40 columns otherwise.r 1 area is safe." 1 area within twelve miles of the& 1 appropriateaddresses in ROM point to an address inRAM. But this trick dates back to the daysbefore Interface 1. Ever since theintroduction of the first interface withits own ROM this trick is lethal! As soonas the interface ROM is paged in, theappropriate addresses don't hold the sameaddress anymore, and goodbye to thesystem! 1 anyoneconcerned with any material in thismagazine should confirm it's authenticitywith Alchemist Research, especially if itconcerns extracts or articles on paper.Registered and trustworthy distributorsare as follows: 1 andthen"'"press any key to enter 48kmode.":POKE 23613,0: POKE 23614,61:BEEP.1,-20:PAUSEc 1 andphotographs with the editor are available,but for a nominal fee!C 1 andarticles. This would be all that The Edwould need to distribute. Then the readerwould have this initial disk, and another1 (or two) with the runnable version ofAlchNews. 1 and,consequently, the pitch. 1 and you may need to adapt line 20 if youare using the ".D" file.B 1 and the other stuff you shoud know of% 1 and fine, with expected cloud cover on& 1 and eight point two. 1 and SAVE "DISK" LINE 0 1 amulti-Spectrum error trapper. Other itemsinclude a solitaire game, classical musicdemo and equation solver.n 1 alternaterealities, but nobody else did.( 1 aired from our survey in AN20. 1 advisor Professor Juckenack, and& 1 accompanying me on the initial survey& 1 accessingnon-existent files, it could create areference list of which are present.W 1 a-+)(()(&)(& 1 a box of matches. 1 `25 single, `38 double, `48 family of 3' 1 `23 single, `36 double 1 `19.50 single, `38 double 1 `18.50 single, `29 double 1 `17 single, `34 double 1 Zenobi Software 1 ZXComputing, crash,and others. 1 ZX Files magazine 1 ZENOBI SOFTWARE 1 ZEN by J.A. Lockerby 1 ZEN AND THE ART OF NOISE 1 Z:STIPPLE_Z 1 Z80 Support: 1 Z2 has finally seen the light of day(hooray!) and the first issue has been agreat success. Sadly, however, shortlyafter it's release, they received theirfirst complaint, from a Mr M.S. of Rugby!!<Who's he? Ed.> The complaint wasregarding the interview with Andy Davisand some articles he submitted, which wassupposedly some kind of big free advertand secret plot! David Ledbury, co-editorof the magazine, isn't too bothered! Thewords 'petty', 'spoilt' and 'brat' come tomind! 1 Your seven lives may not seem like much;however you do have the advantage of theoccasional power-up:h 1 Your contributions are NOT edited oraltered in any way, unless it containsinformation we know to be inaccurate, orof a sexist / racist / anti-religiousnature. You are responsible for your ownspell checking! 1 You've hacked the ROM, now add 1 You'll notice that you don't have to worryabout making sounds by accident whenchanging the border colour. The routinedoes not affect bit four which moves thespeaker. The highest number OUTed here is7 and the lowest number that would affectbit four is 16. 1 You will need: 1 You need the speed of machine code becauseof the way that OUT is used to generatesound. What you are doing is to move thespeaker in and out. If you do this once,it produces a click. But the trick is todo this repeatedly, and very quickly. Ifthe speaker clicks fast enough, asuccession of clicks will blur into a lowpitched buzz. If it does it faster stillthe pitch of the sound will go up. 1 You may prefer to copy these files (thesecond file at the start of your tape -right after the ALCHNEWS program), to aseperate disk, and copy them to yourAlchNews disks via the COPY command. 1 You know, since I started up The UnitedMinds (Yes! It was me! It's all my fault!)way back in '92, I've done practiacallynothing usefull at all! But recently, Ihad a fantastic brainstorm, (floods andthings), that could really benefitAlchNews! 1 You know how it is, some self-rightous& 1 You have blamed the Post Office before tocover up your own mistakes. It will beinteresting to see what they have to sayon the matter. 1 You could even turn your ZX81 system intoa portable computing centre, that is for aprice you could buy a custom case to holdyour ZX81, tape recorder, rampack, theZX81 printer, 5 cassettes leads etc,thiswould have set you back `36.95. 1 You can save a screen or animation bypressing S from the small menu; theprogram supports several disc systems aswell as tape, so there shouldn't be anyproblems. To save to +D disc, you canchoose Disc or Micro, as the +D willaccept Disciple and microdrive syntax!It's an easy life for us +D owners! Eachscreen is 6144 bytes long (not full screenlength, 6912, because no colours aresaved) and an animation is 6 screens inlength. Make sure discs are write allowedand have lots of space on them to avoidproblems. 1 You also have to keep an eye on the energylevel indicator, plus the overload status!Not a game to be run over 100% on theemulator! 1 You might expect characters 2 and 3(respectively CHR$ 10 and 13) to act asthey normally do, with CHR$ 10 moving texta line down and CHR$ 13 giving a carriagereturn (ENTER key). However, the precedingCHR$ 22 always overrides the next twocharacters' functions, using them only asnumbers for the PRINT AT position.Incidentally, giving PRINT AT values whichare out of range will produce the normalerror messages. 1 Yes, it's a lot of hard work. Yes, it's alot of messing about. If you have anycomplaints, please address them to:w 1 Yes, NASA has confirmed that evidence ofalien civilisation, the most strongestever, does exist.e 1 Yep, as soon as Marty is involved in anargument, he is bound to lose. Ever sincethat video titling complaint he has beengoing downhill. 1 Year published: 2543 1 Y-PEEK 23678 1 Wow! Guess what I read the other day? No,wrong one. Actually, I read this greatmagazine wotsit called "Crashed". This wasthe first time I have read this mag and itis bloody excellent! And damn funny it istoo. It's got loads of stuff in it, demoreviews, a letters page (which wasexcellent!), and tonnes more. I am goingto write to the blokey who runs it and geta subscription to it! I suggest you do aswell as it is great. Address can be gottenfrom The Ed. 1 Would a harp? 1 WoMo-Team, leaders of Spectrum Profi Club) 1 Without doubt, this holds the title of'Best Sci Fi Film EVER'. It will be years,well in to the next century beforeanything can surpass it. In such a shorttime, it can sit with pride amongst theother three classic alien / sci-fi films:STAR WARS, ET and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. 1 Withdrew their support quickly. 1 With tabloid stories: "Shoot to kill$ 1 With such a vessel in close contact withthe planet, more accurate details could betaken, and it was the first visit to BH6which discovered a middle-age civilisationof humans occupying the majority of theplanet. 1 With someone like Sherbert around! 1 With some careful programming, you canadapt your favourite features from yourcustom ROM and pop them in any (or all) ofthe above ROM images in ROMS.BIN, forpermanent changes. 1 With my time travelling, I knew that Ididn't go back in time and give myself thearticle, so I couldn't do it, which is whyI posted it though Andy's letter box. 1 With my particular experiences, Andy cameround to my house on the 2nd August and hehad a conversation with me. But, it didn'thappen to me, but 'another' self. Wheredid this other Des Tyler go? 1 With much more character than yours - And now please leave. I hate all bores."P 1 With a video labelling pack, 1 Winter: -33c - +08c 1 Will the guilt-stricken Dave reappear?Will Andy get his disc back so he canrelease AlchNews on time? And will RoyBenson get his just desserts? Find out inthe next exciting episode of The AlchemistFoundation - only in AlchNews! 1 Why do you have to wait until you getcompensation before you will re-do herorder? A 3.5" +D disk costs 20p, as does astamp. When other libraries found outabout this, they sent her complimentarydisks with pinball games! To claim thatyour service is reliable when you are notaccepting responsibility for orders is abit hypocritical. Yes, you may have notlost the order, but you were the last tohave posession. 1 Whose truth made Martin stamp and shout' 1 Who truth, who lies had fostered.! 1 Who simply wouldn't go away. 1 Who laid on lies so thickly, 1 While happy filling people's discs" 1 While endless queues of the abused" 1 While Martin's words were air.) 1 While Andi gains new licences 1 Which brings me onto my next concern.Theres a chap knocking around - wearsglasses - I'm sorry but I can't rememberhis name. Nick something or other. Anyway,he used to work for the Ministry ofDefence for many years - investigating andcollating information regarding UFOs.Suddenly, he's on the scene, blabbing toall and sundry who'll listen about all thethings he saw and heard when he workedthere. Come on, we've all heard of theOFFICIAL SECRETS ACT. Any normal civilservant is banned from saying what theysaw or heard when working for HMGovernment. So why is he getting away withit? We still have spys and MI5. Itwouldn't take much to get rid of thisblabbermouth, who is so obviously causingmuch embarassment to the government. Inthe US you don't see ANYONE talking asfreely as this - the only ones who talkare enthusiasts like ourselves. So why ishe special? If theres any conspiracy tokeep aliens secret, it's quite obviouslydone with gove 1 Where possible, programs are supplied inthe form of BASIC and code files. However,some items are available only as snapshotsor Multiface loaders (no Multifacerequired for loading). We are currentlyworking to convert these to the standardformat. If you use Squash, the snapshotcompression utility, state this whenordering and we will compress allsnapshots (other than the few which crashon decompression). 1 When you specify the BORDER colour inBASIC, you assign it a number between 0and 7. Then the whole border turns thatcolour. 1 When the planet was first discovered, itwas a major triumph for the StellarInstitute for New Worlds, as it was onlythe second discovery of a hospitableplanet in 146 years. A manned space vesselwas immediately dispatched to obtainfurther information. 1 When the Basic editor has run and findsthat it does not recognize the instructionor syntax in the edit line, it looks atthe VECTOR system variable. This usuallydirects it to to error message routines at#01F0. But if the start address of anotherroutine, like this one, is POKEd intoVECTOR the processor will go off andexecute that routine instead. 1 When run, you will see flashy coloursaround the border and a rasping noise forabout half a second. (I assume it'sunpacking the code. The border changescolour because, er, it always does when a48k sample is playing! You could of coursechange the border colour in your programto whatever colour the white noise causes,if it bothers you!) To obtain the effect,just add these lines or something similar: 1 When mother ship is destroyed: STAR WARS(almost exact replica of the trench sceneand following destruction of the DeathStar). 1 When more complaints hit Martin's mat% 1 When line 30 has been executed, the itemwe want to read is no longer in 26001, but(let's say) 26513.f 1 When it comes to the subject of aliens,it's not a case of if they will land, butWHEN they will land.h 1 When is the Spectrum ROM replaced by thatof IF1, PlusD, Disciple, etc? Of courseduring a command that is performed by theinterface, but also during the errorroutine. After all, a command that theSpectrum cannot handle is passed on to theinterface, and only if the interface can'thandle it either, an error is generated. 1 When a CP/M file is being studied the usernumber together with any password andprotection mode are shown.n 1 When Andi rang him at his home 1 When the planetry probe 'Uruius VII'entered sector 2913, eight planets werefound to bec 1 When he arrived at the shops, theshopkeeper was playing with a handheldgames machine called The P.G.D. whichstands for Portable Gaming Device. 1 What you have to be careful of is not toredirect the beam back into itself, ontothe laser unit, or onto any of the mineswhich are placed across the screen. 1 What the final released version would dowhen it loaded up was this: It woulddecompress all the files onto another disk(or disks if it took 2 +D disks), and saveoff the article selector and all relevantcodes. 1 What magic! It seemed as if everything SirClive touched turned to gold which, at thetime indeed it did.g 1 What about poor old Bob Hoskins ay?, Iremember when he used to be a ACTOR.N 1 What I find so funny about JAG, is that itis so corny, it's that brand of gung-ho America - saviour of the world type ofstuff. 1 Wetherby is situated in the central UK, inNorth Yorkshire, right beside the majorroad, the A1, which runs along the lengthof England, from London to Edinburgh. It'seasily acessable from a number of pointsfrom the M1, M62, M18, M180. 1 Well, time to go methinks, hope you likemy tunes, and if you dont, well, erm, thenyou don't like them obviously do you??z 1 Well, that's everything. If you are stuckon a particular game and want some helpthen you can write to me at:p 1 Well, that concludes the terrifying storyof Bill's spooky encounter. I would putthe majority of "true" ghost stories downto hoaxers, imagination (as in the storyabove) or as yet unexplained phenomenasuch as ball lightning. Even if somebodyhad an important unfulfilled quest whenthey died, I still don't believe theycould return to walk the earth as a ghost.That doesn't stop me reading endless ghoststories, though! 1 Well, thanks for reading my section. Ihope that it gives you some insight in tothe workings of the AY chip, and that thetwo of you will make beautiful musictogether! 1 Well, it's finally happened: aliens haveinvaded planet Earth. But, should theyhave any plans on world domination, we canjust stamp on them! 1 Well, here's a little true story in asimilar vein, which happened to a friendof my family several years ago. His namehas been changed to avoid embarrassment! Ihave also dramatised the story a bit sothat it might scare a really timid mouse!! 1 Well, I was going to review 2 more PC% 1 Well, I suppose it's my duty to mentionthe Spectrum in some way or other - andwhat better way to do it than in afriendly jibe at our mutual friend MartyShortobrains? 1 Well, for some reason or other, I'vecalled this a dodgy article. (SurpriseSurprise!) I don't know why, but it's theonly heading I could think of! 1 Well really i could go on and on, listingthe vast amount of hardware that wasavailable for the ZX81, but by now I thinkyou have a fair idea. 1 Well folks, here I am again, back at thekeys after two weeks in France. But beforeI forget, did you know that this is ahistoric moment, to be remembered forgenerations to come? Well it is. Thisarticle is the first which I have everwritten in 42 column! It looks reallystupid in Tasword but will hopefully bereadable in AlchNews. So Andy, do I get apay rise (from 0p) or what? 1 Well I had my ZX81 but was busy what withworking 12 hour shifts and bring up afamily, it did not leave me a lot of timeor cash to buy all the goodies, but Istill tried to get to grips and, at theage of 58, it was hard to understand plusthe fact I was a slow learner at school. 1 We'll be actually creating a section forthe December issue of AlchNews (no 22)right there and then, so pop by and addyour comments! 1 We'll also be accepting subscriptions andhaving a general mess around with theSpectrum\ 1 We was very impressed about the articlefrom Dave Fountain, who declares the usingof the Soundtracker. Hopefully this willclear a lot of things up, because many ofyou want use this great program in lack ofan user guide and information. 1 We want to come up with some tips as asupplement to this, given us years agooriginally by nothing else then theunbelievable "Agent-X" (greetings to youif you read this). 1 We hope, this supplement will help ourgreat musicians to create more fantasticsongs in games or demos in the future.z 1 We have made a successful landing at& 1 We are, however, interested in Bit 1, orALT. If this is set, the sound will dieaway after it has reached it's peak. SinceATT is not set, the sound begins at it'speak immediately and then dies away. Justlike a drum! 1 We are sorry about the fact, nothing tocontribute to your great diskmag in thelast months. But who knows better then youwhat kind of work it is to make a mag,hold a library and also contacts to allimportant clubs and people in the Spectrumworld. 1 Was selling Speccy games, 1 WOKINGHAM RG40 1PJ 1 WHATS GOING ON? 1 WHAT IS A PORT? 1 WETHERBY LS22 5EB 1 Victoria Road 1 Vic Bishop 1 Very bewildered Ed.> 1 Vert. centre 1 Version 3.0 1 Various Internet sites 1 VPRAVO = RIGHT 1 VLEVO = LEFT 1 Upward halo. 1 Until this happened, fine. 1 USR 63001:BORDER 0:PAUSE 2.5 1 UNWANTED AND UNLOVED INTERFACE 1 /MICRODRIVE UNITS AND CARTRIDGES SOUGHT.Q 1 UNITED MINDS 1 Type PRINT USR instead of RAND USR.# 1 Type CLEAR 65199 after assembly to protectthe code from being overwritten. To getthe program to run each time one of thenew commands is entered, VECTOR mustcontain the start address of the routine. 1 Turn LEFT and then follow the bend to theright. Straight on is the bus station. Gopast the shops and at the end, turn LEFTand go over the pedestrian crossing. 1 Try altering line 70 as below, and thenenter GOTO 70.8 1 Triade and the Untied Minds 1 Trevor Mossman 1 Travel to LEEDS and then catch bus numbers98 or 99, which run from near the trainstation, at the POST OFFFICEx 1 Transmissions at - and here's a fact -& 1 Tornado Low Level, Cyclone, Revolution,Metagalactic Llamas, Johnny Reb 2,Rebelstar 1 & 2, Gridrunner, HATE, Android1 & 2, Alien Highway, Highway Encounter,Page System Wordprocessor, Multistore(Multiface), Dumpy (printer), GraphicAdventure Creator, Apache Gold, Chaos. 1 Top of the league is still the Spectrum, with +2's going from `20 to 'you must bebloody joking' - `60!.j 1 Tony Jeenes 1 To shift the border colour's bits threeplaces to the right, RRCA is performedthree times. This effectively divides theborder colour by eight. But then, when theborder colour was stored in bits three,four and five the colour (normally anumber between 0 and 7) is alreadymultiplied by eight. 1 To scorn our editor, so... 1 To order, send own media (+D 3.5" discs)formatted to 780k in 80 files. Paymentshould accompany the order and be in theform of cash, valid British 1st and 2ndclass stamps or a postal order madepayable to P Howard. If sending cash,please ensure that it is stuck betweenpieces of card or similar in order tocamouflage its presence in the post. EachISW collection requires a separate +Ddisc. Prices are based on the quality andquantity of software. 1 To create a white noise effect through the48k speaker requires a little machinecode, but this can easily be typed inBASIC and located anywhere in RAM. Here'sa demonstration: 1 To conclude, I would say that Last WillDizzy is the better game, as it is muchlarger, has better music and graphics -and still has me stumped. How exactly doesone cross a moat using a silk band, adagger, a bunch of flowers and/or somesticks of dynamite? Answers on apostcard... 1 To change the Spectrum screen coloursduring a program but without disturbingthe picture on the screen, you can use thefollowing. The colours A and B can be anycolour; you could also use bright andflash. If you want to change the paper butnot the ink, for example, set ink totransparent (colour 8). 1 Time to power up. Joy, everything was inorder. Right lets start. Get the manual, aquick scan and settle on page 13..? I amnot superstitous? So what have we got? Asmall program: 1 Though born in 1964, Marty lives with hisfather who could well encourage him toperpetrate those truthless rumours.w 1 Those who own a Sam with MasterDOS maycome across quite a different channelproblem (without MasterDOS you can't OPENa textfile at all): 1 Those who have an IF1, Plus D, Disciple orOpus may come across this problem: RESTORE: OPEN #\ 1 Thorough medical examinations were takenof the first team to set foot on theplanet. They were fit and well. Protectedchemists were despatched to the planet totake samples and determine the cause ofthe plague which killed this entireplanet. 1 Thomas Eberle, SUC 1 This would result in one disk containingabout 14-17 files, which would be thearticle selector, music, codew 1 This story was written by <Probably underthe influence of vast quantities ofalcohol. Ed>` 1 This story is an introduction to theirlives and what they've achieved. Moreimportantly though, it explains whythey're in the cupboard. Are you sittingcomfortably? I shall begin. 1 This second program allows you a littlemore flexibility, where you can load in ascreen picture, or text from a SAM disk.The only attention to pay to is line 20.If you are importing a text file, alterthe address to suit. 1 This second bug is very annoying and Ihave often tried, without success, to huntit down. Every time you save a singlescreen (not an animation), line 21 of thescreen (the third character line up) iscut out completely, so you lose part ofthe screen and have to try to fill it inlater. And when you save an animation, thesame thing happens, but only with thefirst screen in the sequence. Anyonesolved this? Please let me know! 1 This routine begins in exactly the sameway as the INVERSE routine - it sends theprocessor to the routine in the old ROMwhich moves the pointed onto the next byteafter the keyword. 1 This production is strictly for adultsonly and for those who have a varied senseof humour. Thoseh 1 This outer loop is executed 24 times, andthe inner loop is executed 256 times eachtime the processor goes round the outerloop - making 6144 times in all. When thecounter for the outer loop has counteddown to zero and every screen location hasbeen inversed, JP #05C1 takes theprocessor to the next routine at #05C1which directs it to the next Basicstatement so that it can start executingit. 1 This one doesn't quite apply, as Martylives in the Midlands and his humour ishardly wry (charging Andy `1000 for anadvert in PD P*wer - how mature!). But Ithought it sounded quite good anyway. 1 This next routine will add INVERSE andATTR instructions. Note that thesekeywords already exist. But normally,INVERSE has to be followed by a 0 ot 1 - 0leaves everything as normal, and 1INVERSEs all output to the screen fromthat point onwards. 1 This made it still more difficult to learncomputing, so I kept in touch with thecomputing world via magazines such as thesinclair User, Your 1 This last ROM call could come in handy forscrolling up the entire screen includingthe message area (lines 22-3) like so:z 1 This issue I'm going to review Zenobi'slatest two offerings, so let's startwith...[ 1 This is what's coming to him! Marty isdestined to crawl away from the scene witha handful of misguided customers.u 1 This is what's called PARALLEL REALITIES.It's been done often before. The sci-fiprogramme SLIDERS (Sky-1) covered it. Sohas RED DWARF and Star Trek has done it alot, most noticably with the episodePARALLELS in the Next Generation, whereWorf 1 This is what happens when ATT is set.* 1 This is the kind of sound that the AY chipis very good at, of course! The envelopeeffects which are used to produce the drumsound are controlled by register 13. 1 This got boring after a while, around thistime listings started to appear in themagazines. First off they looked as if adrunken spider had crawled across thepage, so trying to read it was a problem. 1 This game also has brand new music, andit's a great tune although a bit urgent;you'd have to hear it to know what I mean!The screens here are better designed thanin Dizzy 8, in which the rock graphic hadbeen cut and pasted all over the place,leaving unsightly gaps. There are alsonasty traps where you fall through theground into water or, worse still, a cavewith no exit. 1 This article will be of little use to manyAlchNews readers <So what's new? - Ed>because it applies only to those of youwho own that marvellous hardware deviceknown as a digitiser. Now I shalleliminate a few more of you by saying thatit must be a Romantic Robot Videofacedigitiser! Anyone still with me? Okaythen, I'll carry on just for you three... 1 This and subsequent screens indicate thedrive, block, track and sector numbers atthe top of the display. There are then 16lines of data displayed (128 bytes) withhexadecimal to the left and ASCII to theright. An alternative display shows 512bytes on the screen in ASCII only. 1 This works as envelope length, volumesettings and so on have already been setup, you only need to put a value intoRegister 13 to start the envelope again -even the same value will do. 1 This jam-packed disc includes all ofMiles' invaluable programs, such as +D DOSbug fixes and sector search, Taswordutilities, Multiface tools, the PCG DTPPack 128k extension and 1 This is similar to the FILE CONTENTSscreen insofar as how the information isdisplayed. However, in this mode any partof the disk can be accessed, a stringsearch of up to 8 bytes can be instigatedand block numbers can be logged to reclaimlost data. 1 This function is probably the mostvaluable as it allows disk data to bemodified and output to a printer. Modifieddata may 1 This function allows many non-standardformatted disk sectors to be read and willno doubt be of interest to those who wishto examine some of the commercial diskswhich use protection techniques whichnormally hide data. 1 This function allows file data to beretrieved from a disk when the directoryentry has been overwritten or the sectorsdisplaying the directory have beendamaged. This is probably the mostdifficult part of the utility but thanksto additional instructions in the manual Imanaged to retrieve over 90% of thecontents of a disk which developed adamaged sector. Unless you consistentlybackup your work you will have need to usethis one day. 1 Think Andi was unfair, 1 They read both parties' published views,( 1 They had high resolution 256 dotshorizontally, 192= 1 These details are also shown graphicallyand indicate quite clearly any fragmentedfiles.Z 1 These rules are obviously needed forrealistic pictures, but on a simpler levelthey mean you can quickly create a feelingof depth simply by incorporating somethinglike a road or river or track thatvanishes into the distance. You can createan even stronger effect by using a grid oflines, a trick often used in futuristic orspace scenes or in TV advertisments thatuse computer graphics. 1 There was the DK'Tronics keyboard, 16k rampacks, 32k ram packs, memopak 64k memoryextensions, centronics interface, gamesand utilities galore. It seemed like thewhole world had gone computer crazy, butone of the main drawbacks I found whenusing a ram pack was the dreaded wobble.You would be busy typing in a program andbe just about finished when you wouldpress just a little too hard on the touchpad keyboard, thus moving the computerslightly and cause a crash. Well, you canimagine the words used. 1 There was quite a Jo Brand load of Vic 20sgoing at a somewhat pricey `20 (each).P 1 There is a way to add a random factor toyour sound effects though. The RAM between16384 and 32767 is on chips that arefrequently interrupted by the UncomittedLogic Array (ULA) which looks afetr the TVpicture and performs other hardwareduties. 1 There is a way of steering around this bugif digitising single screens, but it'srather long-winded. When you see thescreen you want, let JUST ONE OR TWO morescreens replace it, then press SPACE anddo single step animations (press zero)until your screen appears. Because youwaited, your screen will not be first inthe animation and so will not be missing aline! In my opinion, it's hardly worth theeffort. 1 There is a National Express station inWetherby. If you can't travel direct, acoach operates between Leeds, which is the760. It runs half hourly, on the hour andhalf hour and the journey costs about 60pand takes 50 minutes. The first 760 runsat 8am. 1 There are two things which concern me.One, I cannot understand why you let thesethings happen and just leave them to getworse. Three customers, now 1 There are several commands that can dothis, but the one selected here is RRCA -Rotate Right with Carry, onw 1 There are many B&B's and hotels in thetown. If you're travelling a fairdistance, why not make a weekend of it andstay on the Friday or Saturday night? TheUnited Minds and FPD are planning on goingFriday to have an evening booze up! 1 Then a routine has to be added to the mainbody of the Basic to execute the newinstruction when the program is RUN.x 1 Then I thought that that would be ratherboring, so instead I've done it in theform of a quiz. If you bought the originalJet Set Willy, have played it to death andthink you know all the trivia, try thisquiz and watch your ego shatter as youlook at the results afterwards! Grab apiece of paper and a pen, then write downyour answer for each question. Got that?Good. 1 Then A is incremented to specify the nextcolour. This is compared to the number 7by CMP 7. Seven is the number thatspecifies white, and white is the colourof the screen. 1 The way around this is to tie a stopwatchto your keys. Then, when they disappear,there should be some time dialation!x 1 The very first home computer aimed at themasses was the ZX80. I have seen one but icant say a lot about this computer as iwas not to intrested at the time, whatwith bringing up a family and working longhours for little wages. 1 The utility has been designed for both thenovice and the experienced user alike andwhilst many of the functions require noknowledge of how information is stored onthe disk there are some which require acertain amount of experience. However,don't let that deter you from acquiringthis utility because the 32 page A5 manualis of great value and will enable you toperform any of the operations with just alittle patience and perseverance. 1 The two pokes control the duration andpitch of the effect. This next hint shouldbe very useful to tape users who want toproduce professional looking loaders. Toavoid messing up your loading screen withfilenames (even black ink on black paper!)you can use this in a line: 1 The two hobbies interconnect and the timetravelling comes in handy. For example,I've got this book, "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" bysome chap called Charles Dickens. It'sso immaculate it looks like it was printedyesterday (it was, sort of!), and I evengot Mr Dickens to sign it! Impressed?That's nothing. How about a scroll signedby Julius Caesar? I'm not really into theRomans, so I use it to prop up a short legon my table. 1 The two POKEs disassemble the BREAK key sothat any key will cause a reset at theprompt. The two beeps have been put in todraw the user's attention during loading. 1 The trickiest part to understand (and eventhat's quite easy, really) is why the"Invalid colour" error message appears.The last character in the filename is anink colour specifier, but no colour isthen given. This means that the nextcharacter to be sent to the screen isinterpreted as an ink colour code, andsince this character (whatever it may be!)is out of the range 0 to 9, the errormessage "Invalid colour" is produced -thus stopping the catalogue! Groovesomestuff, eh? 1 The time has come to tackle a more complexsound effect using the OUT command. Thefollowing routine makes a Star Wars stylelaser zapping sound using the combinationof a tone of rising pitch and one offalling pitch. 1 The thing about these parallel realties isthat it may not be possible to meet youralter-ego, your other self. But, in normaltime travel, you can meet yourself in thepast or the future. 1 The text reports are at the followinglocations:4 1 The tale of Martin's rudeness spread$ 1 The sounds that computers produce usuallysound very synthetic because they are toopure. Musical instruments and otherdevices that generate sound in the outsideworld tend to be rather haphazard in theway they produce noise. But it is thisvery randomness that makes the soundpleasing to the human ear. An instrumentplays not only the fundamental pure tonebut also harmonies of it. 1 The sill fool even had bad breath -# 1 The services and contacts here are allin regular communication with AlchemistResearch and are considered reliable andtrustworthy. The listing has also beenscaled down vastly due to the increasingamount of space taken. 1 The serial filing system uses the PRINT#and INPUT# commands, as well as OPEN# andCLOSE# to allow flow to and from thefiles. 1 The second game from zenobi also has arelatively simple plot. The wizard ZEN hasgiven you the task of finding the "GoldenKey". The task seems simple enough but itwill take quite a lot of thinking on yourpart to recover it. 1 The second game, Last Will Dizzy, hasrather a morbid theme. I haven't quiteworked out what the point of it is (eg Ihaven't completed it) but one screenfeatures Dizzy's grave and objects includea bunch of flowers! I felt very uneasywatching Dizzy walk smiling past his owngravestone, I can tell you. Still, thepuzzles make more sense than in Dizzy 8,and the graphics this time mostly comefrom Dizzy 3.5, the Crash Christmas demo. 1 The screen displays the disk format andthe number of tracks and sectorsavailable. The total disk space available,the amount of space allocated to thecurrent files and the space available foruse is also shown. 1 The same goes up for the MINOR ornaments: * 1 The routine at 05B7 is then CALLed. Thischecks for an end of statement marker. Ifit finds one in syntax time - that is,when the Basic editor is working on a lineprefixed with a line number - it exitsready to accept the next line or a directcommand. 1 The routine at #05B7 is called again. Thisis the one that checks for the end of astatement and exits in syntax time. Ifthere is no end of statement marker afterthe numerical expression, but a token, aletter, a punctuation mark or anothernumerical expression, the routine willgive an error message. The new commandtakes only one parameter, so if there isanything else following it the syntax iswrong. 1 The results were astounding. In every postmortem, the deceased had significant mucusincrease, slight loss of weight and lossof fluids. All had advanced stages ofInfluenza. The alien's body compositionwas not resiliant to a flu virus. 1 The result of this action is, that thelast 9 notes of the ornament will be re-peated all the time:h 1 The result is to turn on all the pixelsthat were off, and all the pixels thatwere on, off. In other words, it inversedthat part of the screen. 1 The remaining lines are drawn by the nextpart of the program. The distance betweenthem gets less and less as they getfurther into the distance and this iscontrolled by multiplaying successive yco-ordinates by V^1/6. The value of 1/6was chosen to give the most realisticresult, but you can experiment withdifferent values. 1 The project is ment very serious and theytry to keep it very cheap. We will givefurther information when all works well,now follows a longer test phase (thesystem must be "death-sure"). As you seethere are efforts to keep the Spectrummore than alive. 1 The program draws front to back linesfirst in lines 40 to 80 and then the sideto side lines in lines 90 to 130. Thevariable K gives the x co-ordinate of thestart of each line and then is multipliedby V to give the x co-ordinate of the ends- along the top and bottom edge of thescreen. The IF .. THEN condition in line50 just stops the computer drawing off thescreen. 1 The problem was quite clear to see:# 1 The price for the 16k Spectrum which couldbe upgraded via a 32k rampack which cost`60.00 or the Spectrum 48k priced at`175.00. 1 The plot of the game is fairly simple. Youhave been having a series of nightmares inwhich the wizard Merlin has beenimprisoned. It is your job to free him byrecovering his magic items and returningthem to him. The items have been scatteredacross the land by the evil witch Nimueand will be difficult to recover. 1 The player must choose an integer numberbetween 13 1 The outer loop is performed 205 times withthe B register. It is make up of the LD B,205 which loads the number into th Bregister and the DJNZ which decrements theB register and jumps if the result is notzero all in one. There is no similarinstruction that works with the Eregister. Thats why the decrementing andjump have to be done using two seperateinstructions. 1 The origin of this routine is 65200. Butit is not called in the usual way. You donot want it running all the time,otherwise the routine that runs Basicwould not be able to operate. Instead, itis wedged in between Basic and the errormessags. 1 The only natural inhabitants of BH6, named'Johnson's Folly' in 2383, after thecarrier of the virus, are the plant lifewhich make this wild green planet sopopular by tourists. Popular sports aresailing, walking, hiking and climbing,since the planet is so rugged andnatural. There is also a large museumdedicated to the original inhabitants ofJohnson's Folly at Capollonius starport,on the major continent. 1 The only dialation experienced was thatAndy popped round a few days after Iposted my article and said that he reallyenjoyed it, and it was a quite amusingstory. But, I don't remember any of that,because, for me, it didn't happen. And,where Andy came - WILL COME - round to myhouse on September 2nd, Andy won't dothis, but I remember it! 1 The one used here checks to see if theBREAK key has been pressed. This is doneusing the IN instruction.m 1 The next two - which initialize the twocounters, one in the B register and onepushed from the B register onto the stack- are the same as well. And so are thenext two which XOR bit four with 16 andout the result through port 254, thoughthis time XOR is suffixed by 10, which is16 in hex. This makes the sound. 1 The next thing to do is to change theborder colour to match the paper colour onthe screen. To do this the OUT command isused. The problem is that the paper colouris stored in bits 3,4 and 5 of theattributes, while the border colour has tobe in bits 0, 1 and 2 with the OUTcommand. 1 The next pause loop works on this initialvalue of B. The the initial value of the Bregister is POPped back off the stackagain. Ths has to be done every time aftera DJNZ instruction to restore the value ofthe B register. When the processor comesout of a DJNZ loop its value must be zero. 1 The next day, Bill felt that he had toreturn to the spot and search for anyclues to the origin of the white figure hehad seen. As he walked slowly along thesame stretch of road, peering into thebushes, he almost collided with a lamppost which he had not noticed before.Looking up, he saw that a piece of whiterag had been tied around the lamp post sothat it flapped about in the wind. Infact, it almost looked like a personcrossing the road! 1 The next READ command attempts to read theitem at 26001, but unless there happens tobe another comma between DATA items on26000 the computer reads a lot of rubbish. 1 The new INVERSE being added here takes noparameters and inverses the whole screen.(For non IF1 users, see THE JOY OF HEX inthis issue for an MC routine to performthis). 1 The nearest that normal Spectrum users canget is with BETABASIC, or KEYDEF, both ofwhich allow you to reprogram a key withyour own commmands. 1 The market was steadily being swamped withhardware, such as keyboards, printers etc.One of the best keyboards out at the timewas Kayde Electronic systems ZX80/81keyboard with repeat key. This was a vastimprovement on the orignial ZX81 touchpad. The cost of the kayde was `37.95. 1 The main reason for buying this soundtrackis the QL theme, which is present andcorrect, firstly with the intro thatfeatured at the beginning of each episode "to boldly go where..." er no sorry wrongprog, and secondly (that does come after'firstly' dosen't it?) the end of episode music, which follows the brief sound of Sam leaping. 1 The main program occupies only 9K of diskspace and will load in approximately 12seconds showing the DISK MAP screen. Thereare eight main screens and movementbetween them is relatively simple. 1 The leader of the expedition, and captainof the surveying vessel was CaptainLawrence Collins, the executive officerwas Officer Stephen Johnson. The followingextracts are from the Captain's officialrecords of the first landing: 1 The last resort of one so far 1 The last 9 periods are constant becauseyou repeat the ornament so the tune issmooth and of the same loud.p 1 The instruction NOP means N OPeration. Itdoes nothing at all and translates into 00in machine code hex. The instruction doestake some time to execute though -approximately one microsecond, thats amillionth of a second. The reason that itis used here, twice, is to slow theprocessor down as it executes the loop.The speed that the processor goes roundthe loop controls how fast the speaker'sdiaphragm goes in and 1 The inner workings of serial filing is notgoing to be discussed here. This articleis just to present two short routineswhich may come in useful for +D users. 1 The inner loop is performed on the Eregister, which is set to 2 by the LD E,2and decremented by DEC E. The JRNZ,INNERthen makes a relative jump back to thelabel INNER if the result is not zero. Sothis inner loop is performed twice eachtime the processor goes round the outerloop. 1 The initial value of the B register isthen restored by POPping it off the stack.But this value will be needed again later,so once it has been copied into th Bregister it is PUSHed back onto the stack.Now it is both in the B register and onthe stack. 1 The initial value of the B register isthen decremented. If it not zero, theprocessor loops back to the beginning ofthe LOOP loop and the whole routine isperformed again with a lower value of B.And on the 256th pass, when B is finallydecremented to 0, the processor moves ontoRET an returns to BASIC. 1 The game starts with you in a forest andyou are able to wander around and solvevarious problems as you find them. Againthe problems are not too hard as long asyou think carefully. The playing area islarger than Curse of Nimue but there aremore locations which have 1 The game seems to play well but I did findone bug. In one part of the game you mustclimb a tree and saw off it's branches sothe fall to the ground and are colected bybeavers. The beavers use them to build thedam which you can use to cross the river.The problem is that if when you climb thetree you pick up the branch then thebeavers do not get it and also you cannotaccess any of the other branches. Thismakes the game impossible to complete.Apart from this the game is fine and I amsure you will enjoy playing it. 1 The game plays quite well and is not toocomplicated. The problems are not toodifficult with a little bit of thought.The location descriptions are fairly shortand not too descriptive. This does not addmuch atmosphere to the game. 1 The following routine makes a sound whosepitch increases. If you do not have anassembler, contact FPD or ASW for a freecopy. (Send media and SAE): 1 The following is a letter from myself toMr Sherwood, sent on 10th August 1996. Attime of compiling this section into thisissue (21st August 1996), there was noreply. If a reply should reach us, we willgladly print it in AlchNews 22, along withnews on how the situation was resolved andwhether Mr Sherwood sent nasty letters tohis ex-customers who spoke out againsthim. 1 The first time something is writtenfrom the buffer to the disk, it's sent tothe floppy instead of to the RAM disk. Thechannel information does not contain anyinformation about which disk is used, sothe IN and OUT channel are linked to thesame device. Goodbye to all 1 The first thing I bought was a DK'Tronicskeyboard and put my 48k spectrum into thisalong with the power supply. This made amuch neater set up, less trailing wires,and there is no doubt that the DK'Tronicskeyboard 1 The first program will load in a Tasword128 serial file into memory, allowing youto save it out as a normal file, perhapsto allow other users without the +D accessto the files. For example, the tapeversion of Tasword 128 uses the exact sameformat. 1 The first program draws two grids, oneforming the 'ground' and the other the'sky', with you, the viewer, seeminglysuspended somewhere in between lookinginto infinity. 1 The first of the two is known as Dizzy 8:Little Joke, and you'll soon see why; thegame has about ten screens and only fouror five objects! The screens have beencobbled together using graphics from MagicLand Dizzy (and possibly others) and the"crowbar" looks uncannily like the daggerfrom that game! However, the in-game musicis new, and as far as I know hasn't beenripped from another game or demo either. 1 The first computer I got was a sinclairZX81. The price was about `45.00, it had astandard memory 1k + 16k, expandable to56k. It conected to a cassette recorder,tv, microprinter. 1 The first FILE CONTENTS screen displaysthe data at the beginning of the file andnormally this is the header information.| 1 The emergence of the mother ship from theclouds: STAR TREK GENERATIONS (Enterprisesaucer section about to crash land), andthe sci-fi series 'V'. 1 The disadvantages with BASIC in ROM meansthat you cannot add your own commands.With FORTH and CP/M, you can make your owncommands, which is why these languages areso appealing. There's nothing better thancreating your very own command! It's beendone to a degree on the emulator, and +2a/ +3, as you can insert your own customROM (see AlchNews 7 and 19) in to one ofthe RAM pages. But, to do this you need toknow a great deal about machine code, andhave to do some juggling to insert thebytes for your command somewhere! 1 The customer in question must 1 The curse of Nimue 1 The control codes to which I will bereferring in this article (and some otheruseful ones) are the following. (I'llassume you all know what control codes arefrom previous articles.) 1 The contents of the accumulator are POPpedback off then stack. Then theres a pauseloop that counts down the contents of theB register - DJNZ decrements the Bregister and tests for zero, remember. Andbit four is flipped and OUTed to thespeaker. 1 The competition is this: Write a Basicprogram that finds out these two numbers(either one program that finds both ofthem, or two separate programs). If youhave a Spectrum, you are advised to useBeta Basic; if not for the extra commandsand functions, then for speed (fasterGOSUBs and RETURNs for example). If youhave a Sam, you may use MasterBasic. Otherutilities are not allowed. The fastestprogram will be the winner. The prize isto remain a surprise. 1 The catalogued items are copyright andonly distributable with permission, unlessspecifically labelled as PD (publicdomain). Many thanks to Andy Davis ofAlchemist Research and Richard Coles ofExpress Software for permission todistribute their respective titles. ISWreserves the right to replace unavailableitems with others considered to be ofequal value. 1 The accumulator is then loaded with thehex number 7F. This number specifies thebottom righthand corner of the keyboard.The IN A,254 takes the bit patternrepresenting the status of the bottomright hand section of the keyboard intothe accumulator. 1 The ZX-FILES is one of the Amiga's bestSpectrum Emulator magazines. Sadly, it'sbeen beyond our reaches on an Amigaformat, but now the editor has seen thelight and is converting to paper! Thegroup is also an official distributor ofAlchNews for Amiga emulator users. Formore details contact: 1 The ZX FILES 1 The XOR A exclusively-ors the accumulatorwith itself, which is a quick way to setit to 0, and the 0 is OUTed through port254. Zero, in machine code as well as inBASIC, means black. So the top part of thescreen starts off black. 1 The X Files: Black and white digi picsplus theme tune sample.A 1 The Wrong Trousers: Colour digi pics fromthe animated story.= 1 The Videoface software contains two bugs,which I might as well mention now. One ofthem can be avoided easily; make sure thatyou never press BREAK while doing theactual digitising. Doing so will corruptthe small menu so that you can't see theoptions! Use SPACE instead. The other oneis a pain in the bottom! (I wonder if Andywill let me get away with saying that inhis nice polite mag?). <No, I changed it!Ed> 1 The Videoface digitising software! 1 The United Minds Team 1 The Spectrum, however, was different. Itwas only with the advent of the Microdrivethat serial files came into use.t 1 The Spectrum world had prospered.! 1 The Spectrum with inbuilt SAMRAM beginsat 6100.2 1 The Spectrum will not get confused if youuse the normal ATTR function which takestwo parameters. That will already havebeen picked up earlier by the Spectrum'sown Basic routines. It would have beenapproved and entered, and the processorwould not be on its way to the errormessage routines where this programintercepted it. So both the old INVERSEfunction and th new INVERSE command and thtwo ATTRs will be accepted. 1 The Snowman: Colour digi pics from theChristmas animation.> 1 The Sherbert problems all began 1 The Sheffield Space Centre, 1 The Sam has an ingenious RAM paging systemso that the Z80 processor can cope withmore than 65536 bytes. Therefore mostsystem variable need 3 bytes instead of 2to store an address: 14 bits tell us theaddress within a page, 2 more bits arealways 1 & 0 (making the number32768-49151), and the 3rd byte tells us inwhich page the required address is. Thechannel routine, however, doesn't careabout the paging routine because theprogrammer assumed that all channelinformation would always be between 23734and 32767, so that it is confined to onepage. 1 The Quantum Leap soundtrack is available along with various others (Star Trek :P 1 The OUT 254,A then OUTs the contents ofthe accumulator through port 254. Notethat some assemlers may require you totype OUT (254),a. 1 The Netherlands 1 The MS-DOS command DEBUG is used to viewand alter the file. At the DOS prompt,type DEBUG ROMS.BIN to start.q 1 The LD HL,22528 then loads the address ofthe beginning of the attribute file intoHL. The LD (HL),a loads the numericalvalue of the INVERSE parameter into thefirst location in the attributes file. 1 The LD HL,#4200 loads the HL register withthe first screen address. The B registeris then set up as a double counter. First,the number 24 is loaded into B and pushedonto the stack, then 0 (which will act as256 when you start decrementing it) isloaded. There are 24 * 256 screenlocations. 1 The LD BC,767 loads the BC register with767. It is going to be used as a counter.There are 768 locations in the attributesfile - 24 rows by 32 columns - but one ofthem has already been dealt with. The LDIRblock loads the contents of the locationpointed to by HL into location pointed byDE, increments HL and DE, decrements BCand repeats if the result is not zero. 1 The July issue of CRASHED came with afabby coverdisk containing some of thebest Spectrum games ever written - Jet SetWilly and Manic Miner! The issue costsonly `1 from the usual address, or pickone up at the show! 1 The IN command reads data sent to theports, such as from a joystick, orkeyboard, or even the keypad socket. TheOUT command works in much the same way,only they send data out to theperipherals, rather than taking data infrom them. They can be used to control theborder and TV screen, and both commmandscan be used to output sound in a much moreadaptable fashion that the standard BEEPcommand. But here, the machine code OUT isunder examination as the BASIC OUT israther slow. The machine code OUT can alsodrive the 128k sound chip, even if in 48kmode! You can also control the memorypaging, which is why the more versatileUSR 0 mode is favoured by so manyprogrammers and demo coders. 1 The Hurricanes: Colour digi pics from thefootball cartoon.; 1 The FILE INFORMATION screen displays thefilename followed by any file attributesor, if the file has been erased, an erasedindicator. The location of the file andthe amount of disk space used are alsoshown. 1 The English in Dizzy 8 is appalling, as itwas written in Eastern Europe by somebodywho knew very little of the language.Phrases such as "Yes! You clean a way!"and "The night fall" are two-a-penny,adding an extra dimension of difficulty tothe game as you try to figure out what thetext means! Mind you, I completed it on myfirst go with hardly any loss of energy(yes, this game features the old energybar). The only character other than Dizzyto make an appearance is Grand Dizzy, whois of absolutely no use anyway! 1 The DJNZ works on the B register. So thefirst time round the loop it decrements Bfrom 0 to 255. Then it goes round thepause loop a further 255 times until ithas decremented to 0. In the time thatit's taken to absorb this section, and howthe program works, the Spectrum could haveread it and executed it many hundreds oftimes! 1 The DISK MAP indicates graphically how thefiles fill the disk and may give someindication as to whether there are anyfragmented files about. You are presentedwith six options:- 1 The Curse of Nimue is an average game withnothing really to set it apart from otheradventures. However, it is well writtenand thought out so it is fairly playable. 1 The Curse of Nimue by Karen Tyers! 1 The Coach House 1 The CP 221 compares the command code withthe INVERSE token. And if they match, JRZ,INV send sthe processor to the INVerseroutine. 1 The B register is going to be used as adouble counter. To start with, it isloaded with 0, and that value is copiedonto the stack by PUSH BC. The B registercannot be pished onto the stack by itself.The stack commands PUSH and POP only workon register pairs, so B has to be pushedonto the stack register with the contentsof C reigister. But as you are not goingto be doing anything with C it won'taffect the program. 1 The Alchemist crew went outside but therewas no sign of the missing Dave. Then Andynoticed that the Alchmobile had beenbroken into and his priceless master discfor the next AlchNews had been stolen! 1 The Alchemist Research stand at the fairwill be showing the great SPECCYSENSATIONS 1996 CD, plus will have theAlchemist PC's hard drive brimming withlots of FREE software for you! There willbe copies of the latest AlchNews (thisone, so why buy another?!), plus backissues for the +D and SAM. However, bringyour own disks and we'll give you copiesabsolutely free! 1 The ALCHEMIST RESEARCH stand 1 The 48k ROM in the 128k machine (USR 0)begins at E100.9 1 The number after POINT is obviouslyexpected to be a small integer, butinstead of an error report, the number iscalculated MOD 65536. This can have somenasty effects if you think you think youare writing from byte 65536, but insteadyou are overwriting the first bytes. 1 The instruction LD A,(HL) loads thecontents of the first screen location -that is, the top left hand corner - intothe accumulator. The CPL ComPLements it.It turns all the 0 bits to 1 and viceversa. Then LD (HL),A puts the outcome ofthis operation back into the same screenlocation. 1 The game is a two part affair whichrequires you to load a saved game from theend of part one at the start of part two.So if you are running the emulated versionof the game then you will need aregistered version of the emulator. 1 The first four instructions of thisprogram are exactly the same as the firstfour in the other sound OUT program.Remeber that the preserve the bordercolour. 1 The development of perspective tookseveral centuries but the rules are not atall difficult to understand. Basically,all horizontal lines going from side toside stay horizontal, all vertical linesstay vertical, and all lines going 'into'the picture from front to back coverge toa point in the middle of the picturecalled the VANISHING POINT. You'veprobably seen this idea before, when aspacecraft goes to 'warp' or light speed,and the lights of the stars turn intorays, converging at the centre of thescreen. 1 The Spectrum's ATTR is normally afunction, not an instruction. You can useit to ascertain the ATTRibute of a screenlocation specified by two parameters inbrackets. The new ATTR is a command. Ittakes a parameter (not in brackets) whichspecifies the ATTRibute of the wholescreen. 1 The Spectrum 48k ROM, and one withInterface 1 (it's shared) begins at hexaddress 0100.a 1 The RST 16 switches the old ROM andcalls the routine at 0020 which moves thepointer fonto the next byte of the line ofBASIC. 1 The RST 16 and DEFW #1594 send theprocessor to th routine in the old ROMthat picks the value of the parameter backoff the stack. It puts it into theaccumulator. 1 The PC file ROMS.BIN is a 128k epiccontaining lots of ROMS. Three inparticular are those accessed whenpressing the F9 key: 1 The LD B,A loads the result of thesubtraction back into B. Then the contentsof the accumulator which were stored onthe stack are POPped off again, back intothe accumulator. 1 The HALT instruction waits for aninterrupt to occur, then sends theprocessor on to the next instruction. Withthe spectrum the interrupt occurs in timewith the screen scan. So HALT starts thisroutine off when the scan starts at thetop of the screen, synschronizing theborder bands with the edge of the TVscreen. 1 The ERASE...TO construction indicatesrenaming of a file, as usual, and thesemicolon is compulsory if the new namedoes not begin with a quotes sign (due tomessy programming in the +D!). I'll nowbreak down the new filename into its ninecomponent characters (ten are permitted,but only nine were required here) so youcan see exactly what each does: 1 The DIRECTORY INFORMATION screen willdisplay a two or three page listing of upto 32 entries per page. Erased files andprotected files are also listed and theseare indicated by symbols in front of thefile names. 1 The digitising software is 1 That's all from me, so have fun and begood./ 1 That's all from me for the moment. See ya!* 1 That was not a paid advertisment! Crashedis cool! <Why should it be, all AN advertsare free! We don't charge and give you afree issue! Ed> 1 That surely proves his guilt. 1 That lying TalcNews man!" 1 That was an ARTS COUNCIL production,funded by money from the National LotteryS 1 Thanks to: Alan Clarkson, Crashed! 1 Than you: A refund? No!" 1 Tel: 01937 586100 1 Tel: 01937 583106 1 Tel: 01937 582711 1 Tel: 01937 582428 1 Tel: 01937 582381 1 Tel: 01937 582104 1 Tel: 01937 581200 1 Tel: 0178-230 5244 1 Tel. (0114) 275 8905. 1 Technium 220 1 Take any disc on which the first file isnot a DOS file (any other file could be aDOS file and will still load, but it'simportant to begin DOS files with "+SYS")and type the following in BASIC with thedisc in drive 1: 1 Tah Dah! Orson has returned to AlchNewswith another slightly dodgy article...P 1 TV buff's will know that this is from thesame stable as Quantum Leap, but not asgood.Y 1 TROWBRIDGE BA14 0NW 1 TRACK Select a track. 1 TRACK Change track number. 1 TO 10 YEARS ALCHEMIST RESEARCH 1 THere are plenty of car parks. There isone after crossing the River Wharfe, onyour right._ 1 THORPE'S TRAVELS 1 THIS SECTION IS NOW LISTED IN ALPHABETICALORDER, WITH DETAILS OF WHAT THE SERVICEPROVIDES UNDERNEATH.h 1 THIS ISSUE'S GAMES 1 THIS IS NOT AN ARTICLE ATTACKING PRISM PD) 1 THE SPECTRUM SOUNDS OUT 1 THE SCREEN 1 THE PROGRAM is not public domain, it mayNOT be altered in any way, shape or form.If the program is distributed, it mustonly be done so in it's ORIGINAL FORM,with ALL files present. 1 THE NORTHERN SPECTRUM AND SAM SHOW" 1 THE MORAL SAGA OF MARTIN SHERBERT! 1 THE JOY OF HEX 1 THE INVERSE ROUTINE 1 THE EDITOR 1 THE DRAGON MAGAZINE, run by Debbie Howardhas folded, due to lack of support. Notheard of it? No, neither had we, until wefound out that one of the sources runningtheir adverts was PD POWER. Whether Debbiepaid high costs for these useless advertsis unknown, but it is not the firstservice 1 THE ATTRIBUTE ROUTINE 1 THE ALIENS ARE HERE! 1 THE ALCHEMIST FOUNDATION: EPISODE 2# 1 THE COPYRIGHT belongs to Andy Davis,compiler of this magazine, and individualcopyright applies to the author of thearticles submitted. 1 THAT & 2UNLIMITED CDs and those old back issues of PENTHOUSE magazine? - I don't think so.] 1 TECHNIUM 220 1 TASWORD 2 TEXTFILES 1 TASWORD 128 TEXTFILES 1 TASMAN SOFTWARE 1 TAPEDISC tape to disk transfer software Two blank, formatted +3 disks.H 1 T220's forthcoming megademo, ShockWave(although the name gets changed about oncea month!) won't be out for, ooh, ages, butwe have some groovy effects already done,like bouncy vector spheres and cubes whichlook so cool that you could dance withjoy! They were done on an Archimedes witha sort of CAD program which simulates themovement of objects in "real" space. Idon't actually know how they wereconverted onto the Spectrum as it was alldone in Scotland! 1 Swan Guest House 1 Sutton in the Isle 1 Surely it should be the other way round?Never mind. I typed it in, lo and beholdthe number 10 appeared on the screen! So,I skipped through the manual trying outthis program then another. 1 Support for him dwindles every day" 1 Summer: +11c - +36c 1 Suddenly Dave discovered that he had leftthe paper bag in the Alchmobile. He rushedoutside only to find that the car had beenburgled! He scanned the horizon but couldfind no trace of the thief. Dave began tofeel extremely guilty. 1 Sudakar Group 1 Sub-Editor: 1 Strict grammarians <Mark Sturdy? Ed.> willnotice that I didn't end that example witha question mark despite beginning thesentence with "why". Well I would havedone but it looked distinctly silly! (Notthat that would really make a differenceto one of my articles!). 1 Still need apologies. 1 Still Martin, in his private shame,# 1 Steve Winter, Chic 1 Stereo (alas not NICAM) VCRs, AtariVCS2000 cartridges (ahhh, nostagia), and a surprising amount of 8 bit computers forsale. 1 Start address: 64600 1 Star Micronics 1 Staff writers & 1 Squadrons of jet fighters about to engagethe enemy: BATTLE OF BRITAIN and STARWARS.Y 1 Spectrum world. 1 Spectrum Profi Club (Germany) 1 Spectrum Profi Club 1 Spectrum UK 1 Speaking of cheap disks, ESCOM, which usedto sell them before 'upgrading' tomore expensive Commodore disks,w 1 Speaking of T220, the team has somenew memebrs and now consists of:J 1 South Yorkshire 1 Sound (AY chip) 1 Sort out your problems before attackingyour contributors in future. Ed.>K 1 Somewhere in the night/Fates wide wheel - both these pieces were taken from episodeswhere Sam leapt into the body of amusician (musical Ooer!), unfortunately 'Somewhere...' is a bit gooey, and 'Fates wide...' is taken from the episode where Sam leaps into the body of a glam rocker (Gary Glitter Ooer?), but alas, with hisclassically trained voice, Bakula does'nt sound like some ruff gruff rocker. 1 Sometimes people send in articles withoutmuch knowledge about the material. Theythink they give information, but insteadthey copy(!) wrong(!) information. 1 Sometimes I reckon these journos make itup or are being less honest than theirP 1 Some can be quite interesting, although ithas to be said that Blackpool isnot renounded for its interesting carbootsHowever, on a good bank holiday carboot,there were quite a few interesting things. 1 Some Annoying Things About France." 1 Solid clouds (a la Fantasy World Dizzy)feature in Last Will Dizzy, providing astairway between two levels. By the way, Iforgot to mention that the main game onlystarts when you have amassed a few objectsfrom the start (and solved two easypuzzles) and passed through the teleporterusing a certain object - but I couldn'ttell you which one, now could I? 1 Software Credits: Gremlin Graphics# 1 So, with this in mind, did Marty (in Backto the Future) jump into another realitybesides going through time?). Since as achild, one version of Marty would havegrown up in the 'posher' home, he wouldnot be shocked or surprised. So, where didhe go? 1 So, at this stage I had to go for thecommercial software such as games to startwith. But after a while you wantedsomething else and at the time you couldnot go wrong,this was a magical time forsoftware. 1 So, quite simply, just load CONVERT,select A for AUTOMATIC and begin copyingthe files, changing disks when necessary.} 1 So, keep watching the programmes, thefilms, read the books and magazines, andtalk about it. Show the governments thatwe are mature enough to handle the truth(just like a child has to prove to anadult that they are mature and responsibleenough), and we will be pleasantlysurprised. 1 So you have to put it into the two bytepointer with the following POKEs:K 1 So user friendly, you could cry."! 1 So to make sure that the border colourdoesn't change during the sound effect,bits three, four and five have to beshifted three places to the right (intozero, one and two). 1 So now, when the OUT command is used, itwill specify the same border colour asbefore and no change will be detected.z 1 So if the number in the accumulator is notthat specifying white, the JRNZ,LOOP jumpsback to OUT the colour for the next band.And when this loop has counted up from 0to 7, the processor move onto the JR REDOwhich takes it right back to the beginningagain to wait for the next screen scan. 1 So heed this saga's moral side, 1 So Sherbert's mag began to fill 1 So RST 16, DEFW #0018 jumps to the routineat #0018 in the old ROM. This routine doeswhat RST 24 would do if Interface 1 hadnot been plugged in. It gets the commandcode which occurs at the beginning of thenext BASIC statement. 1 So the three RRCAs simply shove theattribute value, which is still in theaccumulator, three places to the right. Itis then OUTed through port 254 (SeeSPECTRUM SOUNDS OUT in this issue for moredetails on port 254). 1 So how do I get the best from myVideoface? Well, I can't guarantee perfectresults every time (a la Uncle Ben'srice!) but I am nice enough to share somehints and tips with you digitising freaks(if there are any reading this!). You willneed at least some of the following itemsbefore proceeding: 1 Six trillion hertz!" He had no tact.$ 1 Since the thawing of the cold war, theRussians no longer make good bad guys - sothe producers of JAG have had to find new bad guys - this means China and Iraq. 1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine 1 Show details Tel: 0113 237 4800 1 Should you obtain a copy of this magazinefrom other sources, it's validity cannotbe guaranteed.b 1 Should programs not be featured on yourAlchNews tape or disk, due to insufficentspace, send blank media and SAE.t 1 Sherbert invents new lies. 1 Shanz yet again, skulked to his room andslammed the door, this time knocking aglass off his table, which he had leftfrom the night before. It landed with analmighty crash. 1 Shanz was very upset. More so because hismother wouldn't listen to him, not becausehe smashed a glass. He sat on the setteeand made his face look permanently sad.When his mother had calmed down, and threwthe broken glass away, she sat next toShanz, and comforted him by putting herarm around him. 1 Shanz looked at the magazines on the shelfand was gobsmacked by the variety andsuperb graphics of the latest gamesconsoles. After 20 minutes of flickingthrough the various magazines, he decidedto buy one called Deffstar's Machine Guide1996. As he placed the magazine on thecounter, he noticed that the shopkeeperwas totally engrossed in his game, or soit seemed, so Shanz had an out ofcharacter evil thought; to take themagazine and run without paying. 1 Shanz laid in bed that night, running theword 'WORK' around his head, again andagain. The very thought of the word madehim feel ill, but he realised that he willhave to do it one day, so he decided to doit sooner, rather than later. And so, thenext day, Shanz got up at 5:30 and enteredthe newsagents. 1 Shanz scurried up the stairs to hisbedroom and fiercly slammed the door, justto prove a point. He rummaged around hisbedroom to see what magazines he couldfind but felt fed up when he realised thatthe last magazine he had was more than 2years old. He decided to venture to theshops and purchase a more up to datemagazine. 1 Shanz had changed overnight into aresponsible young man and not only amazedthe shopkeeper, he amazed his parents andmore importantly, he amazed himself. 1 Serial files have been around since theyear dot. I recall being able to useserial files on Commodore Vic-20 TAPE! Nokidding! The filing system of theCommodore was excellent, using the sameparameters and commands for tape, disk oranything connected which could file. 1 Send your entry to: 1 Send an large SAE for the lists ofhardware and software for sale by thefollowing individuals.j 1 Second, since the film was released in theUS, hundreds and thousands have flocked tothe mythical AREA 51, in the Nevadadesert, wanting to know. It's frightenedthe US goverment, as they've drafted inhundreds of armed troops to keep peopleout. 1 Scrolls screen one pixel left or right& 1 Science officer Schultz, Planetry& 1 Saw proven facts just in TalcNews," 1 Same with The X-files and Independenceday, and all these sci-fi magazines andprogrammes - BBC's OUT OF THIS WORLD. Lookat Fortean Times. This time last year itwas a bi-monthly magazine reporting onstrange phenomena worldwide. Now it comesout fortnightly! 1 Sam AlchNews: 1 Sadly, they are no longer around. At themoment I can only think of AlchNews,Outlet, Classix.d 1 Sadly, I now relise that this was not theway to learn how to program a computer. Inever did learn to master the art ofprograming to this day. 1 Sadly Spectrum UK has vanished, yet againa lot of members have been left high anddry,and no one gets any reply toletters,quite number of members have wroteand phoned me to see if i know what hashappened. Sorry, I am as much in the darkas you, I sent 2 lots of copy but theywere never acknowledged. 1 SYNCHRONIZING THE SCREEN 1 SWITCHING BETWEEN ROMS 1 SWINDON SN2 6SY 1 STRELBA = FIRE 1 STRANRAER DG9 9PS 1 STOKE-ON-TRENT 1 STOKE ON TRENT ST3 5BH 1 SPECTRUM UK STILL hasn't surfaced, much tothe disgust of the Spectrum community.T 1 SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB / WOMO 1 SPECTRUM 48K with SAMRAM 1 SPECTRUM 48K from 128k mode 1 SPECTRUM 48K / 48K with INTERFACE 1# 1 SPC / WOMO 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEJ 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE 1 SOFTSELL / SPECTRUM SOFTWARE HIRE! 1 SKELMERSDALE 1 SHIFTS AND ROTATES 1 SHIFNAL TF11 8AF 1 SEVEN COLOUR BORDER 1 SETTING THE PITCH 1 SETTING THE COUNTERS 1 SERIALLY SPEAKING 1 SELECT Selects the entry at the cursor anddisplays the FILE INFORMATION screen.d 1 SECTOR Displays Sector Selection screen.( 1 SECT Change sector number. 1 SCROLL SCREEN 1 SCREEN INVERSE 1 SCENE magazine, is one of Germany's best+D magazines. Exclusive UK distributionrights have been given to Fountain PD,winner of "BEST SPECTRUM SOFTWARE SERVICE"in our recent customer survey. 1 SCAN Scan backward or forward through thefile either a quarter or a full sector ata time using the horizontal arrow keys orto the start of the next block by usingthe vertical arrow keys. 1 SCAN Scan backward or forward through thefile either a quarter or a full sector ata time using the horizontal arrow keys orscan backward or forward one track usingthe vertical arrow keys. 1 SCAN Moves the cursor around the directorylist using the arrow keys.D 1 SCAN Move to previous or next entry.$ 1 SCAN Move the cursor to select a sector.( 1 SCAN Move the cursor round the Hex andASCII displays.9 1 SCAN Move backward or forward through thesectors data.7 1 SAVE Save changes to disk. 1 SATURDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER 1996 1 SAMRAM MESSAGES 1 SAM bugs by Ferry Groothedde 1 Rugrats: Colour digi animations from thecute cartoons.8 1 Roys Rantings 1 Ronald Raaijen, who works with the SGGgroup in the Netherlands, is putting thefinishing touches to a Spectrum gamedatabase. It contains details of almostevery game released, along with details ofauthor / company, type of game, size ofgame, and where to find it on the SPECCYSENSATIONS CD-ROM! Although initially forthe PC, there could be a Spectrumconversion in the future. 1 Ronald Raaijen 1 Romantic Robot 1 Roger G41DE 1 Roelof Koning, SGG 1 Robert Skene & 1 Robert Purchase, Technium 220 1 Robert Purchase, Stephen Purchase, PaulHoward, Dave Fountain, and Chris Taylor.R 1 Richard Wilson 1 Reviewed by Mike Atkins 1 Return to the main panel and look forSAMPLE option. Now set the value to 0001(what means you will looping the samplenumber 1). 1 Reports of alien contact can range from alien abduction to naked male aliensN 1 Remember the Manic Miner cheat detailed inAN20 in which you type 6031769, and thatthis was supposedly Matthew Smith'stelephone number? Well, just to entertainthe AlchNews-reading masses, I took achance in a million (or more) and 'phonedthis number, expecting to hear some funnytones or that annoying woman telling me,"Please replace the handset, and tryagain". 1 Remember that story in AlchNews 19 aboutthe Packman Lane ghost, which turned outto have been caused by car headlights?<Sniff. No more, the local council havefilled in the holes creating thephenomenon - probably after complaints bylocals of all the tourists! But, theStocksbridge by-pass ghost continues tohaunt and kill motorists, on this cursedstretch of road, which was appropriatelyopened on Friday 13th! Ed> 1 Remember that article on Funny Filenameswhich I wrote back in the mists of time?Well, at the time I was using only tapes,but as I now have a +D disc drive (since1994 actually, but I've only just decidedto write this article!), I have even morefilename tips for those of you with thesame. 1 Remeber MIKRO-GEN? That classic Spectrumcompany responsible for bringing usPYJAMARAMA, EVERYONES A WALLY and otherlarge-sprited greats? Well, they've saidthat they have no qualms about lettingAlchemist Research have their games!Contact Alchemist Software, Fountain PD orImpact Software (and WOMO in Germany) formore details of great Spectrum classicswhich have returned to the scene and areNOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! 1 Remain anonymous. 1 Readers of Spectrum UK will know that Iused to write a section called Paul'sPrograms, in which the readers' type-inprograms were featured. Well, sortingthrough some papers the other day I foundsome routines sent in by John Westhead ofTonge Moor, Bolton, which never made itinto my last article. I can vaguelyremember telling John that I'd try tosqueeze them in somewhere, so here goes!Please welcome the lost programs fromJanuary 1995! Take it away John... 1 RUNNING THE PROGRAM 1 RUN the program in 48k mode on your 128kmachine and you should hear a single drumbeat. DOn't worry, there is no need toexecute 7 lines of BASIC each time youwant to hear it. Just add these two linesto the program: 1 ROY FANTASTIC 1 ROMs CUSTOMISING 1 ROMANTIC ROBOT 1 ROCHDALE OL12 7NX 1 REPLEN = len of notes to repeat 1 REPEAT = 32-len of notes to repeat" 1 RENAME Changes the name of the filealongside the cursor and also allows alimited range of special characters to beincluded in the filename. 1 REM result = 65535, which is correct 30 POINT #4,65536: PRINT PTR 4:F 1 REM result = 0, which is incorrect" 1 REM or IN ; note: this file must be VERY LONG (at least 65537 bytes)J 1 RECOVER Recovers an erased file (ifpossible).4 1 READ Read the selected sector. 1 READ B:POKE N,B:NEXT N 1 RB. wibble wibble, rubber wibbles," 1 RB. lewd conduct? 1 RANDOMIZE USR 5050 or 9880 gives a morecolourful reset.: 1 RANDOMIZE USR 4185 lists the BASIC programin memory.4 1 RANDOMIZE USR 4580 gives a high-speedreset.0 1 RANDOMIZE USR 3582 scrolls the screendisplay up one line.> 1 [email protected] 1 QUIT Returns to the previous screen.$ 1 QUIT Returns to the DISK MAP. 1 QUIT Returns to previous screen. 1 QUIT Returns to +3 BASIC. 1 QUIT Return to the DISK ACCESS screen.& 1 QUIT Return to DISK MAP. 1 QUIT Displays Sector Data screen.! 1 QUIT Returns to the FILE INFORMATIONscreen.1 1 QUIT Returns to DIRECTORY INFORMATIONscreen.1 1 QUANTUM LEAP 1 Published by: THE READERS DIGEST 1 Psychaedelic Hedgehog Collection 1 Prospect House 1 Programs are also available from ASW, FPD,ISW and WOMO.7 1 Programs are NOT Public Domain unlessotherwise stated.; 1 Programming: 1 Priced at `14.95 which includes p&p it isexcellent value for money and is a utilitywhich I would find it extremely difficultto manage without. 1 Price: f 22 / DM 20 / BF 400 per 6 issues(including very expensive Dutch postage).S 1 Pretended Andi was to blame 1 Press V (Volba) for define keys: 1 Press K to start game with keyboard# 1 Press J to start game with Kempston# 1 Poor Martin had one fatal flaw, 1 Please write enclosing your name & addressto Roy Benson, via AlchNews, clearlystating any bizarre predilections"v 1 Please note, it is common courtesy toenclose a SAE with your enquiry to allservices. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used. 1 Pleasant View 1 Planet Class: M+ 1 Phil Glaves 1 Peter Beardwood 1 Persisted in following me. 1 Perhaps Martin would come clean. 1 Penningsfelder 1 Pencil and paper 1 Peggy Mitchells brother, whatever, justanything to stop him making those bloodyBT commercials.c 1 Paul's Rantings is not a registeredtrademark of Crap Enterprises Ltd, Co.,Inc, S.A., plc & Son. The name Paul'sRantings and the twat Paul Howard, beingnon-trademarks of Crap Enterprises, maynot be used in any part or form (not eventhe individual letters) nor stored in aretrieval system, unless you really feellike it. 1 Paul White 1 Paul Westlake 1 Paul Newman 1 Patrick Morris 1 PUBLIC TRANSPORT 1 PROGLENGTH 1 PRISM COMPLAINTS 1 PRISM IN LATEST SOFTWARE DIFFICULTIES?Matt Beal told Alchemist Research in atelephone call in July that MartynSherwood of Prism PD was still wanting himto obtain new demos. One can easily seeMatt's situation, as when this news comesout, Matt gets slated for being a 'spy'and lackey for Prism! Apparently, MartynSherwood is supposed to be doing reviewsfor Z2, but Matt says 'he said that nobodyis sending him any software'. Readers willremember a few months ago how we revelaedthat demos ordered by Matt Beal fromFountain PD, were given to MartynSherwood, possibly to help supplement hisailing library! 1 PRINTED ARTICLES made from this magazineare also deemed INVALID. Should you bepassed any extracts or articles from thismagazine on paper, from any source otherthan Alchemist Research, we accept noresponsibilty for it's accuracy. Printedextracts from this magazine are availableon request from Alchemist Research. 1 PRINT Print out Hex/ASCII part of display.* 1 POKE 23740,0:LOAD "" 1 POKE 23735,176:POKE 23736,254 1 POKE 23658,8 to turn CAPS LOCK on." 1 POKE 23658,0 to turn CAPS LOCK off,# 1 PO BOX 121 1 PLUS3DOS/CPM, 1 PLEASANT VIEW 1 PERSPECTIVE GRID 1 PERSONAL ADVERTS 1 PERSONA SOFTWARE 1 PD and Software: 1 PCW+ Magazine 1 PAUSEB NOP 1 PAUSEA NOP 1 PAUSE LD E,2 1 PAUL'S RANTINGS 1 PAUL'S R*NTINGS 1 PAUL'S PROGRAMS: THE ALCHNEWS REMIX!$ 1 PAUL'S JET SET WILLY CORNER! 1 PAUL WHITE 1 PART 4 (of 4) 1 PAGE Moves to next page of file listing.( 1 P.S. I am not biased against the new/nextgeneration consoles, I love Mortal Kombat3, but can you honestly say that it's asplayable as Skooldaze, or Green Beret, orHorace 1 Orson Of The United Minds 1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$ 1 Or, you can park outside the hall itself,but this may be filled with trader's cars.T 1 Or some other reasons I can't quite thinkof at the moment...= 1 Or selling a utility, 1 Or four, or even nine! 1 Or else deceive yourself. 1 Open 10:30am - 4pm 1 Only parallel lines that are supposed tobe perpendicular to the picture coverge atthe central 'principal' vanishing point.Other sets of parallel lines coverge ontheir own vanishing point to one side ofthe principal one. All vanishing pointslie on the same line, though, called thehorizon. It is called this because if youcould look through the picture to openspace this would correspond to the realhorizon. However, do bear in mind thatthis is an imaginary line and needn'tcorrespond to any real line in yourpicture. 1 One program sold as two or three,! 1 One of the best parts of the film was whenit was revealed to the President and hissmall team about Roswell and AREA 51 - thelocation of supposed space ships. Where itwent into detail about the crashed ship,the aliens and the whole business was justamazing. In fact, it was this bit whichhas caused some real life trouble. 1 One major disability. 1 One justified cross letter, 1 One interesting point to note is whenRonald Reagan was president of the US, heheld several discussions with PresidentGorbachev regarding joining forces torepel alien invaders. Senility or sense?Towards the end of the cold war and theremoval of so many nuclear missiles andbunkers, it's an odd subject to bring up. 1 One change that you may wish to make is tothe saving command. "START TAPE, THENPRESS ANY KEY" is hardly valid for peoplesaving TAP files to hard and floppy disks.A more suitable replacement is "Press akey when ready to save". It fits in thespace exactly. The addresses when you willneed to change the text are: 0AA2, 6AA2and EA02. 1 One scientist said that billions ofalternate realties are created every day.For example, lets say that you have adecision - do you walk to the shops, ortake the car? If you walk, you avoidedhaving a car accident. Lucky? Ah well, butwhile you were in hospital after thecrash, you met a wonderful nurse, who youlater married and had several greatchildren with. 1 Once you have a way out of the routine,the value of the accumulator is restoredby LD A,D - it just loads the numbertemporarily stored in D back into A. 1 Once upon a moment, inside a dark, dusty,old cupboard, were two very bored and fedup computers. Spex was an old, rubberkeyed Spectrum and Ammy was a young,slightly dirty Amiga. 1 Once over the crossing, turn RIGHT intoCHURCH STREET. The Hall is on your left.R 1 Once it has come out of the pause loop thelast item is POPped off the stack, backinto the BC register pair. This restoresthe value of the B register, then DJNZdecrements it again and sends theprocessor back round the LOOP loopagain. This PUSHes the BC registers backonto the stack. So each time the processorgoes round this loop the counter on thestack is decremented and th starting valuefor the PAUSE loop in the B register isone less each time. So the pause isexecuted one less time and the pitchincreases. 1 Once all that is done JP #05C1 takes theprocessor to the routine at #05C1 again.R 1 On this occasion, though, this should be aparameter. So RST 16 and DEFW #1C82 sendthe processor to the routine in the oldROM which evaluates numerical expressions.It puts the result on the stack. 1 On the third visit, it was decided thatthe surveying vessel would make a landing,on remote moorland, dozens of miles fromany signs of civilisation. 1 On the emulator, load up the screen thatyou want and then press F10. Press X foreXtra functions and then S for Save screen/ memory. Press M and make sure that itsays SCREEN beside it, and it willcalculate the hex start address and lengthfor you. Now, press N and type LAYOUT.SCRand your screen will be saved. Now, whenyou press ALT-F1, your replacement screenwill be loaded. 1 Old Kilpatrick 1 Ok, we've played with the emulator. We'veeven gone so far as to load in custom ROMswhich have provided us with minutes ofamusement. Now it's time to start messingaround with some of the PC files which runZ80 itself. 1 Oh, hang on a minute, this does. I wouldlike to slag off Robert Purchase beforedoing anything else. Why? Well, partlybecause people in the same demo groupalways slag each other off, but reallybecause I lent him my original Pictionarytape (fool that I was) and his +2 chewedit up. What a git!! Lucky it was only acrap game or I would have, erm, takenSEROUS LEGLE ACSION - and 1 Oh yeah, if you're reading this, Marty,I'd just like to point out that I am NOT areader of PD P*wer, despite your letterhaving been headed "Dear reader". I onlyglance through your rag to check that Ihaven't been libelled! Or is this how youadvertise to try to get new customers? 1 Oh dear... I nearly forgot: The same thinggoes for the Spectrum 128, as the 128 ROMreplaces the 48 ROM many times, with thesame result on the interrupt routine (bythe way: your routine must not even be ata higher address than 49151, because thatRAM page is not always present either;especially 1 Off course, doing that every week would bea bit boring (I mean, how many times canyou do story lines on the subject ofPotato rustling?), so inevitably the 1 Of demos: Lyra 2 and Shock!" 1 Of course you can choose another valuethan 9 notes, maybe 5 or 13 or whateveryou want. But remember: The value ofREPEAT must be as follow: 1 Of course every budding computer owner hadto have a printer. They came in all shapesand sizes from the very first one, theZX81 thermal printer,which offered ownersto print out hard copy of the full ASCIIcharacter set, including lower casecharacters and high resolution graphics.The cost of this little wonder was `59.95.The ZX Printer pluged in to the expansionport and it used aluminium type paper. 5rolls would set you back `11.95 Each timeyou used the printer there was a smell ofburning, this was caused by printer stylusburning the paper off to reveal the text. 1 Of Marty Shortobrains" 1 Obviously, anyone trying to remove theprotection could simply rename the file to"+SYS x" or something, but many peoplewould not understand why the catalogue wasstopping and so wouldn't know how toremove the protection. Well, they willnow, as they have read this, but you getthe idea! 1 Obsessed by getting even, he 1 OUTING THE SOUND 1 ORDERING ALCHNEWS 1 OPEN #f,"filename": NEXT f 1 OPEN #5,"D3:ramfile"OUT 1 OLDHAM OL2 6SR 1 OK, so it's fair to say they have a rightto protect their property. BUT, thegovernment DENY EXISTENCE that the secretmilitary base exists. Fences around itwarn that 'deadly force' will be employedto trespassers. 1 OF WORMHOLES AND BORED SPIRITS 1 Now, you may be wondering why I said youmight need an art package and a screencompressor. Well, when you've got the hangof the digitiser and can produce somenifty results, you may want to make alittle digitised slideshow which runs fromBASIC without continually accessing thedisc (or worse still, tape!) and I'll beshowing you how to do so later in thisseries. If you want copies of my digitisedslideshows and a decent screen compressor,send me a tape or +D 3.5" disc and SAE. 1 Now, when you run the program, pressingany key will make the sound, and all it isdoing is re-running line 70.p 1 Now, lets have a look at what else wascoming on the market around this time.After many delays, the 16k and the 48kwere starting to trickle on the market,the key features of both spectrums were asfollows. 1 Now, imagine that you could jump into thisother reality - what a shock for you!O 1 Now, how could I stop Andi? 1 Now, as this feud was going on 1 Now, a few words about my forthcominggame, Jet Set Willy 4: The '96 Remix. Thisgame has been built from scratch using theSpectrum Electronics JSW Editor, andfeatures 64 brand new screens and a hostof new enemies! It is actually based onthe Spectrum scene of today, so virtuallyall of the magazines, libraries andprogrammers still around are given amention! It will be released in about amonth and will be the copyright ofAlchemist Research, distributed only byASW, FPD, ISW and Womo. 1 Now you may be thinking that computerscan't talk like we can but Ammy and Spexcan as they were sprinkled with somespecial dust called Comdust. 1 Now that you've got a hex loader (AN20),you can now start tapping in all those hexlistings. Here's a few short routines tostart you off. If there is no specifiedstart address, you can put your MCanywhere. 5 1 Now some interesting news from Germany.Several members of the SPC are working onan "Universal" Interface. The project isat the moment still a bit secret, but wedon't betray to much if we say, that thisInterface will include a Videoface, aStereo Sound Output, Joystick-IFs, disk-and (SCSI?) harddisk interface. The diskinterface will be Plus D compatible, thisfor all who are shocked by the Datelinformation (no more Plus Ds, sniff...).In addition to this there will be placefor modules (for your own hardwareprojects). 1 Now regular readers will know that I am abig fan of the X-Files (more of which nextiss), however while waiting for theprogram to come on, I usually catch thelast half hour of (the now finished) JAG. 1 Now onto my holiday in France. While nottrudging round the marvellous sights ofParis (most of which I'd seen before onseveral occasions), I was able to get myhands on an Atari 1040ST and a PC 486DX,which were actually pretty boring. Butnever mind, eh? 1 Now for a little test for you. Modify theprogram above to make a drum machine foryour Spectrum! All that you have to do isalter the PAUSE 0 routine to a normalINKEY$ type. Get the ASCII code value ofthe key pressed and then put the value into Register 6. Simple! 1 Now admittedly, both countries have a bad PR image, but surely their not the dirty rotten hun swine, that JAG makes them outto be?. 1 Now I thought this was a damn good ideaand asked the Ed his opinion. He thoughtit was good too, so I went and worked onAlchNews 19, and had a finished versionthat took up about 15 files. Much betterthan 80! 1 Now I personally think that this is a goodarea to have a rant, because car boots areso diverse._ 1 North Grove Approach 1 Normally, these intrruptions are so quick- typically couple of microseconds - theyare not noticed. But sounds are so timedependent that the ear can sense theslightest variation. So if you put yoursound effect programs in this area theywill be given a more natural, random feel- and they will last slightly longer. 1 Normally, the microprocessor adresses thecomputer's memory. And with many homemicros if you want to access an outsidedevice - like a printer, a TV or even thecomputer's own keyboard - you have to doit via a memory location which is tied toan output port. With Z80 based micros,like the Spectrum, you can access theports directly. It allows you to do thisvia the BASIC commands IN and OUT andassembly language mnemonics IN and OUT. 1 No, not a bit of it!" 1 Next issue : AlchNews 22, Dec 1996" 1 Next day, Ammy and Spex were busy readingshort stories to each other when theyheard the cupboard doors open.r 1 Next issue: More perspective drawing,animation and adding shading for realism.S 1 Neil Thompson 1 Neglecting software orders. 1 NR LONGTON 1 NOTTINGHAM NG16 3EW 1 NORTH YORKSHIRE 1 NL 9011WG Jirnsum 1 NL 9011WG JIRNSUM 1 NEW This resets DICE to read the data froma new disk.5 1 NAHORU = UP 1 N,B:NEXT N 1 My new computer's built to send 1 Much as I would love to fill up an entire+D disc with my inane ramblings, I supposeI'd better leave some space for the other,less talented writers. Oh no, now everyonewill hate me! No change there then. If youwant to fax or e-mail me a message, thentough because I don't have a fax machineor modem. But you could always write... 1 Ms Downsland said, about her order,"Godknows when I will get it??".F 1 Ms Downsland claims that you said the postoffice lost her completed order after itleft you. How do you know this? Surely ifher letter was lost, she would havecontacted you and the Post Office. She hasnot stated that she did either. 1 Mrs Silcox 1 Mrs K Sutton 1 Mrs J Radcliffe 1 Mrs C Hobson 1 Mrs & Mrs M Watkin 1 Mr Staniford 1 Mr Prowse says that you failed to supplyhim with a catalogue, and you wasted hisSAE with Prism propaganda. Did he ask forthis? No. Mr Prowse requested a catalogueafter ASW was passed to Lloyd Garland andFPD was just setting up. Mr Prowse sentoff for a catalogue, and was sent back aletter saying that he should write back inabout another six weeks with another SAEwhen he was having more printed. 1 Mr Prowse never did get a catalogue! Whatconcerns me is why there were nocatalogues available,k 1 Mr P M Howard, Esq. 1 Mr MILES KINLOCH 1 Mr Harrison claims that he sent off a sixmonth trial subsciption ages ago. Youcashed the cheque but have not sentanything since the first month's magazine,so he has just 'written you off'. 1 Mr & Mrs Noyes 1 Mr & Mrs D Green 1 Mr Prowse said: "Strange, I think tomyself, I thought he'd gleefully beprinting extra PD lists at such a time -but I did not know what his prioritieswere", and: "It's more important for himto spread defamatory much about that it isto supply a potential punter!!!" 1 Most people think of perspective drawingas common sense and tend to draw sketcheswith perspective built in. Surprisingly,perspective is not at all common sense,and the early artists had no idea of howto depth to their pictures. In fact, itwas only during the Renaissance, whenpainted attempted to represent the worldin a realistic way that the rules ofperspective were explored and formulated.These rules are the same as artists usetoday, and apply equally to pictures drawnby a computer. 1 More than 7 out of 10 is pretty good,otherwise you obviously know nothing andmust kick yourself immediately for thegreater good of the Universe. (Legaldisclaimer - that statement should not betaken seriously, unless your name isMartyn Shurwood! Call the Samaritansinstead.) 1 More techniques covered in this 1 Moon Magic, Sponge, Land Of Falanor,Liberator, Monster Munch, Assassin, SpaceWorm, International Cricket Manager,Freaky Footy, Saga Of A Mad Barbarian,Specimen 2: The Apple Quest, Demonslayer,Termination, Not The Lord Of The Rings,Veggi Saga, Full Screen Editor, CaptainKook Part 1. 1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller 1 Modifying the ROMS.BIN file of 1 Miscellaneous, Disc 1 1 Mirrors entire screen 1 Miles Kinloch PD Collection 1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging 1 Medley from 'Man of La Mancha' - a bit of 'coww-churre' (culture) from the episode where Sam leaps into the body of an actor (Ooer!) 1 Meanwhile, inside the factory, Orsonpushed the software down the chute intothe room where Roy and his accomplice,Raygun Smith, were waiting. While Roybegan salivating as he loaded up thelatest naughty demos, Raygun stopped theconveyor and pressed a button which sentPaul out to the Alchemist team alonganother conveyor belt. 1 Maybe i'm going to the wrong carboot salesOff course, if you know differently, drop me a line!. <At mine is just some fatbloke selling pirated Amiga stuff. Ed> 1 Matthew Deeprose 1 Matt Beal, Z2 1 MartyShortobrains probably will now, as I'vestolen his misspelling and he copyrightsthem all!b 1 Many thanks to the incredibly cool blokewho invented the name for the character ofMarty Shortobrains. <Me. Ed>p 1 Many of the Yolkfolk star in this game,but are strangely reluctant to talk toyou; in fact, most of them are stuck in atree (!) while Grand Dizzy stands by ahut, Dora above a sort of barbecue thingyand Danny (from Dizzy 3.5) in front of awall which can be removed by returning theobjects he lent you in Dizzy 3.5. Finally,part of the game features the backwardscontrols from Magic Land Dizzy's "throughthe mirror" section. 1 Many aspects of the film have been liftedfrom other storylines. Whether this isbecause it cam from the same team behindthe sci fi 'not so classic' Stargate (withexplosions stolen from Star Trek 6 - whenthe Klingon moon Praxus explodes at thestart of the film), or it's a tribute tothe other classics, but the followingparts of the film had been done before: 1 Manned survey in 2376 1 Malcolm Gent 1 Make sure you've written down all yourguesses so that you can't cheat, and thenprepare to be shocked, surprised andannoyed as you compare them with the trueanswers, which are: 1 MULTIFACE 128 with Lifeguard. UNUSED. `10) 1 MORE OPEN# PROBLEMS 1 MODIFY Enters change mode to modify data.) 1 MINDS DEMO LIBRARY 1 MILTON KEYNES MK13 7AZ 1 MICRODRIVE MESSAGES : C000 1 MICRODRIVE MESSAGES : 43C0 1 METHODIST HALL 1 MERRIOTT TA16 5NT 1 MARK Marks (or de-selects) an entry forsubsequent copy or erase commands.L 1 MALVERN WR14 2BW 1 MAKE A HOLIDAY OF IT! 1 Lower 4 bits 1 Loquacious Mustard Jar. 1 Looking up, Bill was horrified to see afigure, an old woman dressed in white,slowly walking across the road in front ofhim. She had seemingly appeared out ofthin air. Bill tried to swerve, knowing itwas too late - but as the car hit thefigure there was no sound. The woman inwhite had disappeared! Too frightened tostop the car, Bill drove on, certain hehad encountered a ghost. 1 Lloyd burst heroically through the doors,then fell over to be trampled by everyoneelse. They found themselves in a hugefactory full of lawnmower blades, coversand switches being assembled by machines.From a wall-mounted speaker came awhirring sound followed by the evil voiceof Roy Benson: 1 Lines 10 and 20 set up the Pitch ofchannel A. Line 30 sets the volume andturns on the envelope. Line 40 enablesChannel A as noise. Lines 50 and 60 setthe envelope length. Line 70 is the linewhich sets up register 13. If you are abit confused at this point, please re-readparts 2 and 3 of this series. 1 Like kinky sex with a Tory MP, carbootsare a mixed bag.: 1 Let's keep the memory alive and lovingwith the true meaning of the words, homecomputers."_ 1 Let me just say from time to time I willquote figures from magazines such as YourSinclar, Sinclair User, Crash,or anymagazine that may help, I will only writeabout the Spectrum. 1 Let us assume you want to create aconstant ornament accompariament. Entersample 1 and draw something like that:z 1 Leon Brown over at the EBA, GalaxySoftware, Hammer PD, SCU and all the othergroups he runs (he's got so many part timeinterests, he'd put a Tory MP to shame!),tells us that GALAXY FORMAT is almostcompleted. What's that? Well, it's ageneral magazine for the Spectrum andAmstrad CPC. Besides that, the otherservices Leon offers is 1 Length: 40 bytes 1 Length: 33 bytes 1 Length: 29 bytes 1 Length: 19 bytes 1 Length: 13 bytes 1 Latest happenings in the Spectrum World' 1 Latest ISW news: A Software Projectscollection disc, featuring all the ManicMiner and Jet Set Willy games plus two JSWeditors, will be 1 Later Programming: 1 Last Will Dizzy 1 Last year, the Roswell tape hit ourscreens. Alien autopsy? Maybe. Theevidence was very sketchy, which reassuredmany that it might not be true. But, itgot people thinking. 1 LUTON LU1 5LX 1 LOOP OUT 254,A 1 LONDON NE9 8EN 1 LONDON E16 2DE 1 LOG Log block numbers to reclaim lostdata./ 1 LOAD "" SCREEN$:POKE 23739,82: 1 LIVERPOOL L8 3TJ 1 LINCOLN LN4 1EU 1 LEEDS LS7 3LW 1 LEEDS LS6 2EN 1 LEEDS LS17 7SG 1 LEEDS LS16 8JN 1 LEEDS LS16 6SG 1 LEEDS LS12 1XP 1 LD HL,22528 1 LD HL,#4000 1 LD DE,22529 1 Kobrahsoft 1 Kevin Gurd 1 Keep on good work! Your WoMo-Team of SPC( 1 Karen Moore 1 KOBRAHSOFT SOFTWARE 1 KOBRAHSOFT 1 KEYS: Q,A,O,P 1 Just like his little brother <BROTHER? TheSam is no relation to the Speccy. Morelike a second cousin, twice removed.Ed> Uncle Sam has a number of bugs, andunlike the Spectrum, some bugs are lethal;especially in DOS. 1 Just like the Spectrum, the Sam needsspace before the Basic area to storeinformation. And as soon as thisinformation is stored at an addressgreater than 32767 it goes wrong. 1 Just in case the AlchNews font cannothandle it, the symbol before the numbers1996 is in fact a copyright sign. Anyway,after having done this, catalogue thedisc. Neat huh? The catalogue is replacedby a central copyright message on thescreen followed by an error message. Let'ssee how that worked shall we? Yes, weshall. 1 Joyce Cook, Softsell 1 John's final routine (I couldn't let themgo to waste when he sent me so many!) is alaser burst sound effect, again playedthrough the 48k speaker. The code is 26bytes long and can be poked in like this: 1 John Westhead 1 John Thompson 1 John Stowe 1 John Garner, Datasoft 1 Johan Koning, SGG 1 Jim Leeson 1 Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith trying tolearn to fly an alien spacecraft: FLIGHTOF THE NAVIGATOR.e 1 James Waddington's CLASSIX magazine isgoing from strength to strength. The firstofficial issue was a great success. Jameshas now invested in a high-spec PC, soexpect even better quality DTP in futureissues. 1 JR NZ,LOOP 1 JR NZ,INNER 1 J Thompson 1 It's my theory (and many others) thataliens do exist, and they've been incontact with Earth for some time. BUT, asIndependence Day showed, there was panicand mass hysteria. Most of us may be readyfor alien encounters, but the rest of theworld is not. It would shake thefoundations of our beliefs. Only a fewhundred years ago, people thought theworld was flat and the sun and starscircled it. Beyond that - heaven. Now weknow better, but I still don't think we'reready for the truth. 1 It's common fact that people seem to takean instant dislike to Martyn Sherwood -well, it saves time in the end!s 1 It's a very good idea to use the Z80manual to alter the text for the SAMRAMsystem to English with DEBUG.q 1 It's almost here! The talk of theSpectrum world for months. Most of themajor Spectrum and SAM groups will bethere, including Alchemist Research,Fountain PD, Fred, Format, Persona, plusmany more 'guest stars', such as theUnited Minds and 1 It was enough to make me flinch. 1 It was a dark, stormy night, and Bill wasdriving home through the torrential rainas the windscreen wipers squeaked acrossthe perspex windscreen. The headlamps ofthe car briefly illuminated the dark,forbidding bushes on either side of theroad. Bill glanced at the luminous clockdisplay as the green digits changed from23:58 to 23:59. 1 It was a bit fiddly to use, if you did notget the volume right on the recorder youhad a devil to load software. If youhappend to catch the power supply plug atthe computer you would get a crash, youthen had to reload the cassette, but stillit was fun. The next part to come on thescene was a 32k ram pack. 1 It started with one small complaint,$ 1 It says a lot about a persons career when they start playing second fiddle to a duckand a baby pig in a series of comericials.~ 1 It is even more critical that you get thesecond POKE statement correct. The firstPOKE changes half the VECTOR. So if thereis a syntax error in the second half theprocessor 1 It is bit zero that denotes the state ofthe BREAK key. If the BREAK key is notbeing pressed, bit zero is 1, but if it ispressed, bit zero is 0. 1 It all started one day when Spex startedthinking.3 1 It is time to venture on to the& 1 It is port 254 that controls theSpectrum's speaker. But the same port alsocontrols the TV border colour. When youOUT a sound you don't want to change theborder colour as well, so you have to do alittle routine to leave it unaffected. 1 Issue 19 took up a whole +D disk. Butthere was still about 400 odd K free onthe disk. So, me being the silly blokethat I am, had an idea to help. What Iproposed to The Ed, was to load as manyarticles into memory at once as possible,compress the whole memory, and save thisoff as another file. Then this procedurewould continue until all articles werecompressed. 1 Inverses screen colours 1 Interface 1's own built in ROM itself addsnew instructions to Basic. These aremainly concerned with Microdrive andhandle its SAVE and LOAD instructions. Butit does add other instructions like CLS#which clears the screen back to the powerup colours. 1 Interface 1 users only 1 Incidentally, it is not advisable to pressthe +D or Multiface buttons whiledigitising is taking place, because theSpeccy will suddenly stop acceptingdigital data and it is very, very likelythat a crash will result! If you don'tbelieve me, try it and see. I don't care. 1 In this routine the timing is critical.The length of the pause will specify thewidth of the bands of colour on theborder. So the pause here is controlled bytwo loops - the INNER loop which sets thedelay coarsely and the outer PAUSE loopwhich fine tunes the delay. 1 In the screen called Sky Blue Pink (whichhas no arrow on the Speccy), an arrowpasses from right to left just below theconveyor belt which brings you into thescreen on the left hand side. It willinevitably hit you because you can't turnaround while on the conveyor belt. Youhave to hold the jump key so that you movemore slowly along the conveyor and thearrow will then miss you! It's reallyclever! 1 In the pond you should go in and searchtwice, also remember to search thebulrushes. To get past the gargoyle justkiss the frog. 1 In the cottage you should look behind thedoor, search the shelf then look under thebed.X 1 In the AlchNews survey (AN20), a number ofreaders and customers said that the worstlevel of service they had received wasfrom Prism PD. Alchemist Research has hadmore than enough experience to agree withthis, obtaining and printing complaintsfrom customers, beginning with Roy Benson,ever since issue 10. However, in the pastfew months, it has been very quiet. Ifoolishly believed that Mr Sherwood hadcleaned up his act and was tradinghonestly and reputably. And it was in mylatest letter to Mr Sherwood where I saidthat if a truce was to exist 1 In other words, it copies the attribute ofth first screen location - the one theprogram has just set - into the attributesof all the other screen locations. 1 In one of the most recent ad's, it'srumoured that they had to cut some ofBob's scenes due to the fact, thatif you looked closely enough, you could actually see a BT employees hand, up 1 In days long gone, when every shop" 1 In case you're wondering (I'm talking toyou, the reader, this time!) what anagramscan be made with my beautiful name, hereare four less profound variants createdwith the same Atari program: 1 In case you decide to buy any of the gamesreviewed this issue then here are a fewtips just to help you get started off...| 1 In another article I wrote about the factthat no more than a certain number ofchannels may be OPENed (not counting "K","S", "P", "B" and "$"; only channels thatneed a buffer, such as disk). Note: OPEN #to a disk can only be done with MasterDOSon board.But how about this one: 1 In case you didn't believe me aboutquestion 10, it is true! There is a screencalled Ethel the Aardvark, just above theWine Cellar and below the Sewer Entrance.It contains a rope and a sort offire-breathing dragon thingy! The BBCversion also contains a clever trap whichdoesn't appear in the Spectrum version.It's a bit like this: 1 In September 1982 you could purchasesoftware of all descriptions ie:- games,education, business, household, almosteverything imaginable. In fact pricesranged anywere from `4.95 to `9.95. 1 Impact Software Catalogue, July 1996.% 1 Imagine - the John Lennon classicbutchered by Scott Bakula in the episode 'The leap home - pt 1' where Sam leapsz 1 If, on the 1st August, my future self cameback in time and gave me an article, Iknow that when the 2nd September came, I'dhave to go back in time to 1st August andgive myself the paperwork! 1 If you've not seen it yet, I only hopethat your excuse was that you couldn't geta ticket. If you look at the film veryclosely, there are some weak bits whichlet it down slightly; such as the fewsequences of actually seeing the aliens,too little time spent on what must be thegreatest air dogfight ever staged, but theeffects work, and it's these effects whichwill make it the biggest grossing boxoffice smash of all time (unlike any HughGrant film, which is just gross!). 1 If you'd like any further details of thefair, including maps, or would like toobtain a stand (`22. Additional stands`16), contact DANIEL or ALLAN duringoffice hours on 0113 237 4800 or fax on0113 237 4349, or send an SAE to: 1 If you want to buy Curse of Nimue or Zenthen they cost three pounds forty-nineeach for +3 versions or two poundsninety-nine for spectrum, +D, Amiga, Atarior PC versions. They are available from : 1 If you use now an ornament like 0, 3 or 7then set the REPEAT value at 0023 and theREPLEN value at 0009 (notice that 23 + 9 =32, what is exactly the length of thesample). 1 If you try altering these two values youwill see how the value put into the Eregister alters the width of the bands alot, while the value put in the B registeronly alters it a little. 1 If you regularly read my column, then youprobably believe in ghosts, aliens, ESP,and all that. (Seen INDEPENDENCE DAY yet?One of the best UFO Sci-fi films evermade). <Hey, how do you know, it hasn'tbeen released yet. Does that mean that youreally did send this article back in 1 If you press ALT-F1, you will get a nicescreen showing all the keywords. You'll behard pressed to find one better, but ifyou do want to replace it, the file toreplace it with is LAYOUT.SCR. 1 If you have e-mail, then you can contactme (and ladies please feel free to includeany saucy JPEGs!) ath 1 If you have created a 48k only program andwant to ensure that it doesn't get loadedin 128k mode (causing the Spectrum tocrash), use this routine at the start orin the BASIC loader: 1 If you are a regular customer at yourlocal Speccy PD library you may have comeacross one or two (or more!) of mydigitised demos created 1 If we must use BT, then why not takeadvantage of their August offer, I reckon that everyone who reads this should spend ten minutes on the phone, pleading withBobs agent, to get him a bloody Hollywood movie, or a part in EastEnders playing 1 If they query it, just tell them that itwas in the WINTER catalogue of last year,and are a discontinued line. They are SONYHD disks, which normally retail for around`12 in good stationery shops, but are onsale for a measly `1.99! 1 If they do not match, CP 171 compares thecommand code with the token for ATTR. Ifthis matches, JR Z,ATTR sends theprocessor off to execute the ATTRibuteroutine. And if the token for ATTR doesnot match either, JP #01F0 sends theprocessor to the syntax error routine at496, which is where it would have gone inthe first place if this routine had notintercepted it. 1 If there are no cars present, and thesale is set, INSIDE for gods sake - then it's a flea market or an 'indoormarket' at the very least. <How about abazaar? Ed.> 1 If the computer is in running time - thatis, a direct command is being entered or aprogram is being RUN - this routine sendsthe processor back into this routine toexecute the next instruction. 1 If the Speccy screen remains almost solidblack or white, try twiddling the knob ontop of the digitiser. This controls thecontrast between black and white, so itshould remain fairly balanced, ie in themiddle. I find it useful to keep changingthis with one hand, to achieve the besteffect for different parts of theprogramme being digitised. If a signalstill does not appear, either you havefaulty hardware or something is turnedoff! 1 If i type in a program listing and itrefuses to run, then I spend time checkingto see if I have missed typing somthingin, and if after that it still won't run,then I save it so that I can come back toit on another day In other words, it getsput to one side and in due time getsoverwritten and lost forever. 1 If he received one small complaint -$ 1 If ever you send in an article, CHECK WHATYOU WRITE instead of just copying it fromthe Spectrum manual (in this case), whichdoesn't 1 If all has gone well, you will see a TVsignal coming through onto the Speccy. Thespeed at which this image changes will bemuch slower than on the actual television,as the Speccy has to convert and shadeeach screen as it 1 If you want to alter the originalLAYOUT.SCR, do the following:G 1 If you carry straight on after thepedestrian crossing, you will find one onWest Gate.^ 1 If you OPEN a channel to a disk orM'drive, a number of bytes ar e needed tostore information, and this information isstored before the Basic program. 1 ISW offers great value for money, chargingless than five pounds forK 1 INVLO PISH BC 1 INVLI LD A,(HL) 1 INV RST 16 1 INNER DEC E 1 INIT Initialise or format disks to thefollowing formats:-= 1 INDUG, the group behind FORMAT, are toshortly release a magazine called FORMATPC, catering for users with older PCs. ThePC scene is the fastest moving anywhere,so older PC's from a few years ago, go forliterally pennies! If you're wanting toupgrade, but not join the techno bandwagonof upgrading every fortnight, thismagazine is definetly for you! Enquiriesto the usual INDUG address. 1 INDEPENDENCE DAY 1 IF NOT PEEK 23296 THEN CLS:FOR N=1 TO60:NEXT N:PRINT "Sorry but this is a48k"'"program!b 1 I've just had a thought, through out his leaping, why did'nt Sam just ring hisyounger self up, and tell him not to get into the quantum accelerator - and avoidall these uncontrolled leaps in the first place? (mind you they've never fullyexplained why they used ZIGGY the souped up Sinclair QL in the first place, either) 1 I've got two hobbies. Collecting books andtime travelling. Thought that mightsurprise you - who on earth would collectbooks other than a librarian? Well, callme odd if you like, but I like it. 1 I've got fifteen bright levels, too."% 1 I'm sure that theres also some kind ofcollection agency, gathering all thesci-fi films, magazines, and reports andkeeping tabs on them all (hi guys!),keeping track of what we say and how wesay it. Freedom of speech prevails, but Iassume there are limits. 1 I'll assume that you don't know how to setup the digitiser. Basically you need tohave a lead coming from the digitiser intoyour video recorder (the socket on therecorder will be labelled something likeVIDEO OUT), which must have its own powersource. You don't have to have a separatetelevision if you're planning to digitisefrom a prerecorded tape (although it maybe hard to tell what's going on when it'sin Speccy resolution, black and white withno sound!). 1 I'd like to start where young upstart PaulHoward finished - carboot sales.J 1 I would now like to point out that theAlchNews BASIC shell is bugged because themusic/font flag is initially set to thewrong value. I won't put in a correctionhere because I don't want the bother ofsaving, quitting Tasword, loading AlchNewsetc, but it is very easy to fix. I toldAndy how to correct it after receivingAlchNews 18, but he still hasn't done it!Also, if it relates to CAPS LOCK, why notset this in the program using: 1 I was sent a list of anagrams of the namesof various Speccy personalities by +Dbloke Carl Murray (or Curry Alarm, as henow insists on being called - hope he getsinto the same ward as me here at theasylum), and some of them were dangerouslynear to the truth. Marty's real name gavethe following amusing 1 I was asked if i would write a monthlyarticle for Spectrum UK about theSpectrums I have had and used, includinghardware and software. 1 I usually use time travelling for routinejobs. I don't like the idea of goingforward to gain news, or to get the resulton sporting bets. I think having access toa time machine is worth far more thanmoney and wealth! 1 I tried to move away, but he 1 I thought for a moment. 1 I read in last issue of AN/UC&US: "CLEARalso does RESTORE..." Well, try:J 1 I now had the perfect set up. I didn'thave to use a magnifying glass anymore toread the keys, as by this time my eyesighthad become worse. What a long way in sucha short time i had come since the good olddays of the ZX81. 1 I met a man the other day 1 I mean, I ask you, do people really pile scones up in the boot of their car for aquick sale?.` 1 I knew he knew I didn't care 1 I hope that you will respond to thesepoints in a mature and repsonsible way.I'll soon find out if you start writingnasty letters to people. 1 I haven't done any proper reviews in ages,so I thought I'd take a look at twodistinctly unusual games which havesurfaced in the last few months. Both areDizzy games, but don't get your hopes up -Codemasters had nothing to do with thesehome-made attempts! Since the code andgraphics are ripped 1 I have just taken my first breath of& 1 I have been using DICE (including version2.0) for more than 7 years, in fact it wasone of the first utilities I purchased forthe +3, and it is one of the few utilitiesfor the +3 which is completely userfriendly. It is impossible to crash theprogram, all options are available with asingle key-press and before you doanything drastic confirmation prompts aredisplayed. 1 I have a magazine of my own; 1 I got around a lot of these problems bysticking velcro above the expansion portand on the rampack. This was a vastimprovement. But, then in 1983 someone camup with the (wobble stopper). You simplyturned a thumbscrew until the rampack wasfitted firmly to the ZX81. 1 I expect you'll want to play about withyour digitiser until the continuation ofthis article next month, so I'll end witha recommendation of 1 I don't know how bad the English of thisgame's creator might have been, becausethe text is kept to a bare minimum. Otherthan object names and the title page,there is no text in the game, so you haveto work out what has happened whenever youuse an object, based on resultinganimations, 1 I did say quick review, did'nt I?! 1 I assume this code is relocatable althoughI can't say I've tried shifting it about!Anyway, I'm sure that these routines mustbe of use to many people, so thanks againJohn. I bet you thought I'd forgottenthem, didn't you? Ha! 1 I asked, "if graphics are drawn well?"& 1 I am writing to follow up my last letterof a truce, which you have ignored yetagain. Your loss.e 1 I am informing you of three complaintsabout your service which I have receivedin the past month. The information wasgiven in the recent AlchNews survey, andmay be featured. In all fairness, I amgiving you your opportunity to respond,something you will be unfamilliar with. 1 Hydri system, sector 2913. Discovered : Remote survey in 2371? 1 Hydri sun rose at 04:11, temperature& 1 Hulme Lane 1 However - your anniversary causes us tostop all and everything for a while tobring you some news and an article and asurprise called "WoMoni", which I hope youcan include to your mag (may brits seethis?). "WoMoni" has only the right effectwhen it is printed out and MUST have 64chars/line. It's a special greeting fromMonika. 1 How can it be a car boot sale, when there are no cars, and 99% of the stuff iseither 30 years old, or just plain crap!.} 1 Hope you enjoyed it! Bye for now.! 1 Hold up a war. 1 Hmmm... that could come in handy!"" 1 Hmmm. Well, with the Tasword word countstanding at just over 600 words, and myasylum-confined brain being entirelydevoid of more ideas for this article, Ishall end here. 1 Hmmm, that's enough r*ntings. Onto somenews and things. I may have mentioned thiselsewhere, but Kizzy (Chris Taylor) hasjoined Technium 220, which means we nowhave five members, two of whom can code.In fact, the only demo skill for which wehave only one member is music, althoughI'm trying to get the hang of theSoundtracker. Could someone write aprogram to convert PLAYed music (128BASIC) to Soundtracker format? Soundsstupid but it would make my life easy! 1 His threats of legal action are 1 His skin flushed an indignant pink.# 1 His customers appeared. 1 Hilton Court 1 Highlights include, 1 Hi everyone and welcome to anotherAdventures section. I'd like to start offthis time by explaining why I didn't doanything for the past couple of issues. Itwas simply lack of time due to exams, sosorry about that. 1 Here, though, a rotate is used because youonly care about shifting three of thebits. The contents of the other bits don'tmatter. The RRCA also copies the contentsof the zero bit into the carry flag. Butagain, it doesn't matter what the value ofthe carry flag is, because it is notexamined. 1 Here's another possible protection systemfor your +D masterpiece. If the first fileis a DOS file, rename it like this to makethe disc catalogue stop with an error: 1 Here is the list for the MAJOR ornaments: * 1 Here is a short program to prove that itwill work.4 1 Here in the UK, Extacy-3's 128k diskmagazine SUBLIMINAL EXTACY seems to havedone a Spectrum UK, with customer'senquries unanswered. Considering theirlack of new demos recently, except the BBTdemo, Technium 220 are sure to steal theirtitle as Best UK demo group. 1 Hello, and welcome to Roy Fantasic, a new series that looks into the future, butP 1 Hello again. This time, as we continue ourjourney in to the depths of the AY chip,we'll make ourselves some noise!t 1 Hello Andy, hello Alchemists! 1 Hello Andy, 1 He'd always scream and shout, or faint& 1 He went on boring me to death - 1 He walked straight up to talk to me# 1 He still claims he's the abused man,$ 1 He soon began to boast. 1 He simply had a fit. 1 He printed out some catalogues 1 He hid behind the answerphone! 1 He flung one comment o'er his shoulder: "You're jealous because your machine'sP 1 He advertised in Our Sinclair 1 Having covered Envelope effects last time,we'll use what we've learnt there to makesome simple drum sounds.l 1 Have many of you lot seen demos by me andDok?? We have done lots and lots and lotsand lots... much more than Datasoft! (I'msure he wont mind me saying that, will youRobot?) 1 Has started a vendetta. 1 Hands up folks, how many of you sufferedfrom this problem at one time or anotherand say 'Why won't it run?' But, if youmanaged to type one in and when you pressRUN and it works, you feel so proud ofyour self. 1 Hacking the ROMs 1 Ha! I underlined this title with equalssigns, not asterisks as preferred byeverybody else! See, I am independent andfree willed. Anyway, time for me to r*ntabout various things which will probablyhave nothing to do with the Spectrum scenewhatsoever! 1 HULME LANE 1 HOW TO GET THERE 1 HOLD is not required here, so all thatshould need to be set is bit 1. This meansthat register 13 should have a value of 2.~ 1 HL is then incremented to move onto thenext screen location. The DJNZ INVLIdecrements the B register and jumps backto INVLI if B hasn't counted down to zero.So this loop is executed 256 times.0, eachtime moving onto the next location andinversing it. When it has counted down to0 the other counter is popped off thestack, decremented, and if it is not zero,the processor jumps back to INVLO wherethe counter is pushed back onto the stack. 1 HIGHLY COMMENDED 1 HEX Decimal to HEX calculator.+ 1 HEADER Displays header information.# 1 Gremlin Graphics Collection, Disc 3# 1 Gremlin Graphics Collection, Disc 2# 1 Gremlin Graphics Collection, Disc 1# 1 Greatful appreciation must go out to allwho helped in the production of this finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{ 1 Graphics(ripped!) 81% 1 GraffiXmax 1 Glenburn Road 1 Gives length of program in bytes 1 Gillian Anderson 1 George Imrie 1 Generations, Raiders of the lost Ark(re-released for the first time in a while)and Babalon 5 - which I did'nt get!) from~ 1 Geddington NN14 1BD 1 Gathering Dust 1 GLOUCESTER GL4 0LE 1 GLASGOW G60 5NU 1 GETTING STARTED 1 GERRARDS CROSS SL9 9JP 1 GAMES WANTED for Amstrad CPC, Dragon 32,ZX81 and Vic 20, plus ROM cartridge gamesfor Commodore 64.e 1 GAMEPLAY: The game is an exact replica ofthe PC classic HEXAGON (also availablefrom Alchemist Research on request -requires VGA), and is just as playable.Some natty 128k background music is a niceeffect. 1 GAMEPLAY: For a clone, it's very welldrawn and presented! You must rescue Daisyor something like that by collectingthings to overcome obstacles on your way. 1 GAMEPLAY: At first it can look a littledifficult, but when you have enough ballsto play with, you can soon begin matchingthem up and clearing them. If you'veplayed Paul Howard's FRUSTRATION (anotherclassic on these lines), you'll soon pickup what you have to do. The onlydifference here is that you have an aboveview, and the objects are not falling likeTetris or Frustration. Doesn't make it anyeasier though! 1 GAMEPLAY: Tricky at first, but notimpossible. You must get used to alteringthe mirror angles to fire the laser toother mirrors, or special objects whichaid you in your task, such as rotators,which rotate the beam through 360 degrees,or warp conduits, which teleport the beamto another location on the screen. 1 GAMEPLAY: The graphics are big andcolourful. Once you know the attackpatterns of the enemy, it can be quitesimple, but the main drawback is that ifyou get killed, you start from thebeginning again. One good point is bonusobjects to boost your firepower on theway. 1 GAMEPLAY: The best feature about thisexcellent clone is the smooth scrolling.No version of Tetris on the Spectrum hasgot this close. The 128k music is alsocatchy and nice to listen to. 1 GAMEPLAY : In 10 levels of top-downaction, you have to be careful to avoidthe various obstacles in your path: jaggedrocks, stone walls, broken glass and soon, all of which will burst your ball.There are also the usual variety of mobilethreats, which do unpleasant things likeknock you off course, puncture you or eveneat you. 1 GALAXY SOFTWARE 1 Full colour, 8 colours each, foreground,background and border colours, flashingand brightness control, sound, beepcommand with variable pitch and duration,massive ram, 616k or 48k respectively,full size moving keyboard, all keys atnormal typewriter pitch, with repeatfacility on each key. 1 From civilised conduct's borders.! 1 Founder, Alchemist Research Group! 1 Format: Iso-linear chip or quartzion disc Maps by: AA (Astronautical Association)Q 1 Forgets his Spectrum guise. 1 For you we wish another 10 years of anexcellent mag with fantastic writers andabsolute interesting articles. AlchNews iswhat we all need for information exchange. 1 For the next 18 months, Shanz had savedenough money to buy the games console thathe had wanted. He paid for the console anda game then hurried home to play on themachine that he had saved up for so longfor. After unwrapping the console thee, and throwing 1 For all the "lies" he'd built. 1 For a hex version of this listing, see THEJOY OF HEX, elsewhere in this issue.N 1 For Martin sent a copy out 1 Footballer Of The 1 First, you load the accumulator with thecontents of the system variable in memorylocation 23624. The Spectrum's colours arespecified by a number between 0 and 7.Normally, the bits that control the bordercolour are three, four and five. But whenyou are controlling it through port 254,it's bits zero, one and two thattemporarily change the border colour. 1 First, when making the film, the companyasked for government assistance regardingtheW 1 First in a series of perspective 1 Finally remember this : A game is as goodas it is written...but what's the point ofa good game if you have to do loads ofmoves to do one thing? (THINK ABOUT IT!) 1 Fiction. Any relationship to persons alive* 1 Farley Hill 1 FUNNY FILENAMES 2: +D PROTECTION 1 FROM DAVE FOUNTAIN 1 FREE GAMES FOLLOW ON FROM PART 46." 1 FOR N=0 TO 24:RANDOMIZE USR 3582:NEXT N' 1 FIND Search the disk for a string of up to8 bytes. This may be input in eitherDecimal, Alphanumeric or Hexadecimal.y 1 FILES This moves onto the DIRECTORYINFORMATION screen and lists the Directorygiving you further options.o 1 F9 Software (part of SAM-PD) 1 F9 Software 1 F9 SOFTWARE 1 Excuse once again our english, but if wehad written this in german no-one wouldhave read it.a 1 Everyones talking about it, just likeRoswell last year. But, is there more toit? Is that the 'master plan' - to get ustalking? 1 Every system variable is updated when sucha thing happens: The Basic program startsat a higher address, so the number in23635 /23636 is changed, and the same goesfor the variables area (23627 / 23628) anda lot of others. However, the programmerfailed to include the DATA addressvariable (23639/23640), so that the nextDATA item is no longer where the computerthinks it is. 1 Every so often I would glance over tocheck that it was still going, and it tookabout a minute to complete this percentagebar which was inching along pixel bypixel! Then another one popped up, and soon for a VERY long time with intermittentdisc swaps. I actually wrote a little(crap) program in BBC BASIC whichsimulated Windows '95 installation bydrawing endless percentage bars withmeaningless task 1 Every Album has a bum note and so here areQL's :-1 1 Even though there's only 208k available ona +3 disk, it has to be said that it'ssome improvement over tape, especiallywhere AlchNews is concerned. 1 Even if there is a DATA line in theprogram, you get "Out of DAT A". Why?O 1 Ernastrasse 33 1 Erased files are indicated with anassessment of the possibility of theirrecovery.] 1 England, we have concluded that the& 1 End of review. 1 Eight million colours, all in all." 1 Each week, the hero of the program, someUS Navy police type, has to solve somedastardly crime committed within the ranksof the Navy. 1 EXPRESS SOFTWARE 1 EXAMINE Moves to the FILE CONTENTS screenand displays HEX and ASCII details of thefile starting at its first sector.v 1 ERASE d*"+SYS*" TO "+SYS "+CHR$ 16" 1 ERASE D1"*" TO ;CHR$ 22+CHR$ 10+ 1 ERASE Erases marked files or filealongside the cursor.? 1 ENGLAND (for you Euro-readers) 1 EMULEARNING 1 EMILY SOFTWARE 1 ELY CB6 2RA 1 EIGHT BIT / IEBA 1 EDIT Selects EDITOR function. 1 ED 4B 53 5C 1 ED 4B 32 5B 1 DuUUUTDDH 1 Double helping by Paul Howard. 1 Dominic Morris 1 Do you want to know what happened to thelatest games console he had bought? Do youcare even? Nope, neither do I, thus as aconsequence, I shall not be writing aboutit, ever, unless I am begged or even paidto! 1 Do you prefer a BORDER 0:PAPER 0:INK7:BRIGHT 1 background in your programs? Ifso, you can save the memory used by typingall these statements, by using the ATTR Psystem variable. BORDER 0:POKE 23693,71 isequivalent to the all those statements,and you can change the 71 to your personalfavourite colours by working out the ATTRvalue (on page 106 of the +2 user guide -that's the only one I can find!). POKE23624,71 (or whatever) changes the INPUTarea colours, so you can now have a brightor flashing input area! 1 Disadvantages:- touch pad keyboard, smallsize of machine making it awkward to usethis was taken from the home computer.z 1 Destroyed statue of Liberty: PLANET OF THEAPES./ 1 Desmond Tyler. 1 Dear Martyn, 1 David Forrest 1 Dave Ledbury 1 Darren Randle's RELICS magazine is stilldelayed (at time of writing). A number ofALchNews readers have expressed concern atunresponded SAEs and subscriptions. Untilthis can be clarified, Alchemist Researchwill not be carrying further adverts forRelics. 1 DRAW 127-X-PEEK 23677,174-Y-PEEK 23678 80 NEXT K0 1 DJNZ PAUSEB 1 DJNZ PAUSEA 1 DJNZ INVLO 1 DJNZ INVLI 1 DIZZY RETURNS! 1 DIZZY 8 (Little Joke) 1 DISK TWO, SIDE B: 1 DISK TWO, SIDE B : parts 61-72 1 DISK TWO, SIDE A: 1 DISK TWO, SIDE A : parts 41-60 1 DISK Selecting this option moves you tothe DISK ACCESS screen which gives youdirect access to any disk sector enablingyou to read or modify data. 1 DISK Route to DISK ACCESS screen.! 1 DISK ONE, SIDE B: 1 DISK ONE, SIDE B : parts 21-40 1 DISK ONE, SIDE A : parts 0-20 1 DISCLAIMER, THE LEGAL BITS 1 DISCLAIMER 1 DIM A$(704):INK A:PAPER B:PRINT 1 DICE is available from:- 1 DICE is a disk maintenance utility whichprovides you with numerous options. Theserange from copying files, formatting disks(including high formats) and renamingfiles to modifying disk data, locking outdefective sectors and printing outHEX/ASCII sector data to name just a few. 1 DH: Sure you're not pulling my leg?# 1 DH: Sigh... 1 DH: Naaah, he wouldn't know how to.# 1 DH: I didn't know people lived at theYellow Pages offices.? 1 DH. wibble wibble? 1 DH. hatstand ANDY , PAYRISE, ROY, ha ha' 1 DELETE Remove the last block number in theLog.. 1 DEFW #1E94 1 DEFW #1C82 1 DATA & OPEN# 1 D.I.C.E. (Disk Information Copier Editor)has been around for a number of years andthe latest version 3.0 was released in1991. 1 D-51609 KOLN 1 Current issues take up two +3 disks,formatted to 173k, you may be able tosqueeze it down to perhaps 1.5 or even oneif you use a high capacity formatter. 1 Copyright 1991 KOBRAHSOFT 1 Contributors: 1 Considering T220 was to be a neutral demogroup, 60% of it's members have had some'experience' with Prism PD! 70% if youconsider Robert's amusing anecdote aboutthe time Martyn Sherwood told him that hedidn't 1 Consider how a drum sounds in real life -there is no sound until the drum is hit.When it is hit, there is an immediate loudsound, which very quickly gets quieteruntil there is no more sound. Very muchlike this: 1 Coming soon from me is the Dinobabiesdemo, which will feature lots of fullcolour digitised animations from thecartoon, plus sound samples of the entiretheme song (they sound pretty crackly, butI wanted them to play through the speakerrather than the AY chip) for all youcartoon lovers, like me! 1 Coming along the A1, from either North orSouth, take the exit to the SOUTH ofWetherby (A661 to Harrogate).q 1 Cloud Effects: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. 1 Christian Aymard 1 Chris Taylor, Triad 1 Chris Taylor 1 Chris Norfolk 1 Chr-no. CHR$ 1 Chic Computer Club 1 Chapel Allerton 1 Channel Islands 1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS 1 CRASHED has prepared a short list ofestablishments, or you can contact theWetherby Tourist Information Centre on01937 582706. You are advised to book andcheck prices. 1 CRACK CITY 1 COUNTING ACROSS THE SCREEN 1 COPYRIGHTED - NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! 1 COPY Create a file containing all thelogged blocks on to a new disk.I 1 COPY Provides a back-up copy of allselected files. This is a far quicker wayof copying selected files than using the+3DOS COPY command as the disks do nothave to be changed after each file hasbeen copied. 1 CONVERTING ALCHNEWS TO +3 DISK 1 CONVERTING 1 CONTROLS: Z,X,SPACE,ENTER. 1 CONTROLS: Sinclair. 1 CONTROLS: Keyboard (definable), kempstonjoystick.3 1 CONTROLS: Keyboard, Cursor, Sinclair,Kempston.3 1 CONTROLS : Keyboard (Q,W,I,J), Kempston,Cursor0 1 CONTRIBUTORS: Just ignore him. Ed." 1 CONTRIBUTIONS can be submitted$ 1 CONT controls whether the sound is to becontinuous or 'single shot'. Our drumsound obviously needs to be the latter, orit would sound like a machine gun! 1 CONT ATT ALT HOLD 1 CONGRATULATION 1 COMPETITION 1 COMMENTS: Will keep you amused for hours!A great new version of an old theme.N 1 COMMENTS: The best Tetris game on theSpectrum. Ever.9 1 COMMENTS: More information and news fromthis expertly run software library,currently the largest dealing with singleSpectrum titles. 1 COMMENTS: Fiendish! 1 COMMENTS: Easy! 1 COMMENTS: Classic strategy game, a nextgeneration Othello for the 90's!J 1 COMMENTS: Smooth scrolling and wellanimated.3 1 COMMENTS: A memory resident, interruptdriven pop up screen containing all theSpectrum 48k keyboard. Pressing CAPS SHIFTand ENTER brings up the screen, so you arenever stuck wondering which key ABS is on!Useful mainly for 128k users, emulatorowners not using Z80 (Z80 emulator ownershave ALT-F1) or people with keyboards withno letters marked on the keys! 1 COMMENTS : "A very original platformvariant, neatly executed." RATING : 90%(CRASH No. 29, June 1986)m 1 COLOR LINES 1 CLS restores normality, so use the pokesstraight after having loaded the screen -which is the reason for their use anyway!(I wish I'd known that one before I had a+D!) The next routine calculates how muchfree memory is available after BASIC andvariables have been taken into account.Here it is: 1 CLOSING THE LOOPS 1 CLASSIX / SPECTRUM GAME FINDER 1 CKSM Displays the checksum value.! 1 CHURCH STREET 1 CHR$ 23 = TAB control. 1 CHR$ 22 = AT control. 1 CHR$ 21 = OVER control. 1 CHR$ 20 = INVERSE control. 1 CHR$ 19 = BRIGHT control. 1 CHR$ 18 = FLASH control (urgh!). 1 CHR$ 17 = PAPER colour. 1 CHR$ 16 = INK colour. 1 CHR$ 13+"(C)1996"+CHR$ 16 1 CHORLEY PR6 0QB 1 CHIC COMPUTER CLUB 1 CHESSINGTON KT9 1JX 1 CHECKING FOR BREAK 1 CHEAP DISKS! If you want some VERY highquality disks, at a price LESS thanunbranded ones, then go IMMEDIATELY toyour local ARGOS store and ask for: 1 CHALFONT ST PETER SL9 0NB 1 CENTRONICS PRINTER CABLES, for +2a / +3.`10- 1 CCEECCAAA?>>MOMOMK 1 By the way, if you are foolish enough towant to meet me at the Northern Sam &Speccy Fair, then you can! I'll probablybe sharing the Alchemist stand, where Andyand I will be busy advertising our wares.Mind you, Roy Benson is all set to attractthe punters with his dodgy porno stall.Full write-up in the next issue; see yathere! 1 By now, he'd finally got the hint;" 1 By altering the position of the vanishingpoints you can create quite differenteffects. Enter a low value for V to startwith, say 2. This makes the lines on thebottom grid coverge to a point above themiddle line (the horizon) and those on thetop grid converge to a point below thehorizon. It's this that gives you theimpression of hovering between the twogrids. You can dramatically alter theappearance of a scene simply by raising orlowering the imaginary horizon - try avalue of 10 to make the viewer feel he iscrouching down close to the floor. Only ifthe vanishing point of the bottom grid ison the horizon would you feel as thoughyou were standing normally on the floor. 1 By Paul Howard 1 By Paul "Oology" Howard. 1 By Paul "Macrucrous" Howard. 1 By Paul "Bifurcated" Howard. 1 By Paul "Anadiplosis" Howard. 1 By Dave Forrest 1 By Arnold Yates 1 By Antony Purvis 1 But, you can't view the files alone, youneed the ANxx.C and ANxx.D files (where xxis the issue number). Both files do thesame thing, only "C" has a BBC style font,and "D" has a bold style font, withdifferent music. 1 But, twenty issues and six years on, and aregistered readership of approximately1000, not one valid complaint has crossedour paths yet - we must be doing somethingright! 1 But, this is only useful for DISK ONE,SIDE A. You will need to make thefollowing changes to the program for theother sides of the disk: 1 But, the Interface 1 allows extra commandsto be formed. Adding an instruction toBasic has to be done in two operations.First, a routine has to be added to thBasic editor so that it recognizes thesyntax of the new instruction, otherwiseit will kick up an error message. 1 But, I'll tell more of this and othertravels another time. As I said, mypassion is books and I thought I'd do areview (or, a VERY advanced preview) of anice little tourist guide I picked up onSilica - this desert world in the ReticuliZeta star system. Apparently, it was oncea flourishing fertile land, until thegovernmen privatised the water companies.Now it's shipped in from Aquella, an oceanworld twenty million miles away. 1 But think that the defined sample shouldhave a proper shape. For example:K 1 But then the contents of the accumulatorare pushed onto the stack - along with thecontents of the flag register. Registershave to be pushed in pairs. The XOR Aclears the accumulator and SUB B takes thecontents of the B register away from 0 -the contents of A - and stores the resultin A. This effectively inverses thecontents of B. When B is 255, the resultof the subtraction is 1. And when B is 1,the result is 255. 1 But then he had a plan. 1 But the funny thing is, issue 18 had asong written by me in it. And Evil Ed(sorry!), never credited me for it! Notthat I'm complaining about it or anything,but in issue 19 there was music also byme. Yes it's true! But this time The Edput "The United Minds" in the '128k music'bit. So I'm happy now! 1 But the following routine uses the machinecode OUT command to give a seven colourborder. It could give you an eight colourborder but there is no point in having oneof the border colours the same as thescreen colour. 1 But one thing Martin feared. 1 But no! Once more his temper flared# 1 But many users were not sure 1 But in fact, a 'phone rang at the otherend! Just for a laff, I decided that I'dask to speak to Matthew (I don't know whatI would have said if it really was him!)but it turned out that the number had gotme through not to anyone's house, but tothe Yellow Pages helpline. Never mind, eh?Worth a try. If you live outside theReading area, why not 'phone the numberyourself? Matthew Smith must have livedsomewhere in the UK, and it's surely worthharassing the odd householder to discoverthe elusive programmer's whereabouts! 1 But first LD D,a loads the contents of theaccumulator in the D register. Theaccumulator is going to be used forsomething else for a moment and the Dregister is doing nothing, so it can beused as a temporary store. 1 But facts like these he had to share.% 1 But as you can see the NOPs are not justexecuted twice. The DJNZ - Decrement andJump if Not Zero - sends it round andround the PAUSE loop executing many times. 1 But anyway, talking of advertisments...Coming soon to a news-stand thingie nearyou...Z 1 But anyway!! I have taken my revenge onthe Evil Ed... Aha yes my friends... Ihave written 8 tunes for AlchNews... Andyou shall be forced to listen to mycascades of incidental beeps and burps!!!(to use a phrase by Agent-X) 1 But after I did all this hard work, andsent it off to the Ed, he said NM 1 But Sherbert's strangely twisted mind% 1 But RST 16 - that is ReSTart 16 - sends itto the new ROM's restart routine at #0010which directs it on to the old ROM. Butthe restart routine does not just sendthe processor to any old place in the ROM.It sends it specifically to the routinewhich starts at the address given by thetwo bytes that follow the RST instruction. 1 But Martin made a fuss. 1 But Andi always proved his points! 1 Bush House 1 Bugs: Colour digi pics from the high-tech<HA! Ed> drama series.@ 1 Brian Watson, 8-BIT 1 Brian Gaff, BG Services 1 Brandlesholme 1 Bounder,Deflektor, Impossamole 128k, Metabolis,Moley Christmas, Monty On The Run, Rocco,Starquake, Trailblazer.s 1 Book: GUIDE TO 50 INTERESTING WORLDS$ 1 Bonjour my leetle Eenglish friends, andwelcome to this, my cosy fireside Jet SetWilly Corner, preferably to be read whilecurled up in an armchair with a large mugof tomato soup. I thought that, since JetSet Willy has recently leapt back into thelimelight, I would share a few fascinatingJSW facts with you all. 1 Bobs backside, manipulating him to pleadto the viewers to use BT more often,otherwise the hand would squeeze harder -ouch!. 1 Bite Me (no not me) - taken from theepisode where Sam leaps into the body of a Vampire (double Ooer!) (did anybody spotthe English actress who played theoriginal 'Scottish Widow' in this episode?Personally, I would'nt 1 Bit four of port 254 command controls thSpectrum's speaker. By flipping this bit,the speaker's diaphragm is sent in and out- creating sound. Bit 4 is flipped byexclusively oring it with 16. So but fouris set - that is, it's 1 - it is reset to0. If it is reset to 0, it gets set to 1. 1 Bill Richardson, EEC 1 Bill Clark 1 Best wishes to all readers from Wolfgangand Monika Haller, better known asL 1 Best Wishes, 1 Berkshire RG40 1PJ 1 Believe you me, it's really great:" 1 Before you do any copying, you must firstwork out how you are going to storeAlchNews. As a general rule, I find thattwenty sections can be easily stored onone side of a disk. So, if the issue youare converting has 72 parts, you'd storethem as follows: 1 Before we start, you are strongly advisedto make a back up copy of the files thatyou are to mess around with. If you make amistake that you cannot rectify, you'regoing to have to re-install them from yourmaster disk. And you'll get no sympathyfrom us! So, either copy all the files inyour Z80 directory to a back up disk, oruse PKZIP to make a compressed backupelsewhere. 1 Before this line is finished the systemhangs itself up. Why?? 1 Before I go, I'd just like to leave youwith this thought...> 1 Because this publication is on anelectronic form, it is susceptible totampering and altering, and attemptedtampering as been made in the past by theuntrustworthy, lying, pirating MARTYNSHERWOOD. Because of this, 1 Be very careful when keying these POKEs.If you get either of them wrong and thenkey in a syntax error, the processor willbe directed to the wrong pace and wouldcrash. 1 BUT ONE TRYING TO HELP IT 1 BRISTOL BS5 9QA 1 BRIGHTON BN1 5ND 1 BRADFORD BD2 1QA 1 BLOCK Change block number. 1 BLANK Remove all block numbers from theLog.. 1 BLANK De-selects all marked entries.$ 1 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 1 BILL RICHARDSON AND CO. (EEC) 1 BG SERVICES 1 BEWARE OF THIS MAN 1 BETTER VIDEO DIGITISING 1 BASIC CONTROL 1 BACK IN TIME 1 BACK TO THE FUTURE also covered it.Remember in the first film that MartyMcFly's family were slobs, his dad acoward, and at the end of the film, theywere all neater, tidier, more upwardlymobile? Remember how Marty had norecollection of how this came about, buthis family did. 1 B: Marty Shortobrains 1 Avenger, Blood Valley, Dark Fusion, NightRaider, Sam Stoat Safebreaker, Shove ASledge, Snakes & Hazards, Tiddly Drinks,Wanted: Monty Mole, Christmas Ludo. 1 Autographs 1 At their worst, car boots can be really depressing. What really gets me, is thestuff you read in the papers about blobby or dodgy CDs. 1 At the start find the cabin examine itthen climb onto the roof. Examine thechimney then climb down it. Once insideexamine the cabin to find a chisel. To getout use the axe on the table. A couple ofgood places to dig are by the river and inthe pine tree. 1 At the other end of the scale there wasthe, professional one - The ZX ThermalPrinter, which boasted professional highperformance, 40 column line. This modelwould cost you `94.50 plus `16.47 to coverVAT and postage. 1 At the moment it is hard to come by. Ihave a roll or two and they are sellingfor two pounds a roll including postage.| 1 At the end of each level you will be facedwith a bonus screen full of questionmarks, each of which holds a number ofbonus points. The Bounceometer in thestatus bar shows how many bounces you haveleft, so you will need to judge your jumpscarefully if you want to get the maximumnumber of points! 1 At the SECOND roundabout, turn RIGHT ontoBOSTON ROAD, passing the court and policestation, and crossing the River Wharfe.{ 1 At some point you will want to escape fromthis routine. And to do that withoutswitching your computer off you mustinclude an escape routine. 1 At last a great computer had arrived,there were a few problems such as the keysbecame worn, thus the symbols became hardto read and the key pad was made of rubberand after a while they felt like deadflesh. Plus, if you upgraded the 16k byusing the 32k rampack then you sufferedfrom the dreaded wobble. You could alwayssend your 16k off and have the upgradedfitted internally hence wobble problemsolved, but all things said, here was afully usable computer, how could thislittle black box make the tv screen burstinto colourful life 1 At the beginning of creating music acomplete list of ornaments (major/minor)is needed. Any of those MUST fit to yourarrangement (unless you use other kinds ofornaments like A7, A 7/9 and so on). 1 At one time, in the mists of time,AlchNews was supplied on 3" disk. But,sources dried up and the magazine gotbeyond the size of a single disk. 1 As soon as another page is used, theinformation is written into one page andread from another one, and goodbye to yourprogram! 1 As next we will proceed to REPLEN." 1 As long as we are on Spectrum we promiseto keep our good contact. For the benefitof all Spectrum users. Thank you for theco-operation of the last years. 1 As if life wasn't complicated enough, itgets worse! Ferry Groothedde, who handlesthe SAM issues of Alchnews would like tosee some changes as to who handles what.So, this section gives details of eachissue's format, and the registereddistributor of it. In some cases, thereare more than one, so choose your ownpersonal favourite! Also, check pricesbetween each service, as some offerdifferent discounts at different times! 1 As a movie soundtrack collector, you haveto understand that the bulk of any movie or TV soundtrack is always going to beinstrumental music, and QL is no exception 1 As I said before, animations are always 6screens in length (although somebodyclever might like to write a 128k versionwhich uses paging to store twice thatnumber, or more - any offers?) so if youhave a quick eye, you can count from thefirst screen you want and press SPACE onthe sixth. If not, you can always check bypressing A to animate (from the smallmenu) and see if it looks right. 1 As promised, a quick review of theofficial Quantum Leap soundtrack.K 1 Around 1982 there was a vast amount of ZXhadrware add ons.; 1 Anyway, what can I r*nt about this time?How about the ever popular Windows '95? Idon't know about "going round in circles"(as Roy said in the last issue) but boy isit slow to set up! Despite all themultitasking, speed efficiency 1 Anyway, the guide is called "The Reader'sDigest Guide to Fifty Interesting Worlds".It gives maps to the planets, acomprehensive guide to what it's like, anda bit of history. I'll feature one of theguides in the book, it's got a fairlyinteresting history: 1 Anyway, last week at some point, I satdown at my speccy, and watched all thedemos we've done, from Speedy Tomatoes toStrawberry Fields. One thing that caughtmy eye though, was that most of our textsseem w 1 Anyway, how many times have you mislaidyour house or car keys. You are absolutelysure that you've checked everywhere andthey they suddenly reappear on the kitchentable? Course you have, it happens to usall. Now, there are three theories aboutwhy this happens: 1 Any contributions submitted which compriseof an AlchNews section are rewarded by afree issue of the magazine your articleappears in. 1 Any complaints should be made to:! 1 Another thing about car boots that sendsme into rants, is those smarmy ar*eholes who think a couple of stalls in a churchhall (selling sea shells, with ribbons 1 Another point are our first steps with theharddisk on the SAM Coupe (which we alsorepresent). This takes us a lot of timebut also brings us lot of fun, but alsovery frustrating moments (the SAM hasseveral DOS forms, and some programs,written in the early days of SAM won'twork with the new DOS the harddisk needs). 1 Another fun idea (not protection though)is to use the graphic block characters infilenames. By careful planning of blockpositions, you can build your initialsusing three filenames! I could put somegraphic blocks here as an example, butwon't because Andy has enough troubleconverting my stuff from 64- to to42-column (which is pretty damn strange asAlchNews is in 32-column!). <No it isn'tcount the characters. Ed> 1 Another example is the article aboutinterrupt routines. I know for sure thatit was copied. First of all because the"author" wrote a lower case l instead of acapital I many times, which indeed lookvery much alike. Only someone who knowssomething about this material could haveknown which letter was meant. Theinterrupt register contains 63 on a 48KSpectrum after a RESET; not 62! 1 Andy was most upset. Bordering on angry.He walked into my flat, threw a disk on mydesk and said 'Know what this is?'. 'Yeah,it's a disk', I replied. 1 Andy left, and I wrote my article forAlchNews 21. I then nipped over to JustinThorpe's home, where he sent me back intime to August 1st. I posted Andy myarticle for him to type, and then returnedto 1 Andy drove the Alchmobile like a thingpossessed, screeching round corners andthrowing all the passengers from side toside. Dave clutched the brown paper bag tostop it from being flung out of the sunroof whenever they turned a corner.Eventually the team arrived at Roy's topsecret HQ, the sinister Roy-Mo lawn mowerfactory. 1 Andy Davis. 1 Andy Davis, BSc.(Hons) Dip. BTEC Dip. Eng Editor, AlchNews magazineC 1 Andy Davis, Alchemist Research. 1 Andy Davis Bsc 1 Andrew Parish 1 And when perusing a stall, do they really sell a comprhensive range of seashells,complete with red ribbons 'suitable for granny' & those fancy lavender smellingtoilet roll covers - along side thatSpeccy +2, rusty power drill, old TAKE 1 And when one day the Spec mags died# 1 And then, perhaps, in some years to come,it will be revealed that Aliens have madecontact with us.d 1 And subsequent reports came out 1 And soon knew who to trust. 1 And several years since this began" 1 And sent them through the post 1 And reached this magazine. 1 And now, a handful of routines in ROMwhich can be used for various purposeswithin your own programs.m 1 And now theres the NASA information aboutlife on Mars. The possibility of life inpossible oceans on Jupiter and it's moonsIo and Ganymede (one or the other), andthe discovery of these new suns andplanets with climates like our very own.The discussion of possibility of life -very HARMLESS life - is getting us used toit. 1 And now that we mention it: A Spectrum 128sets the I register to 0 during a RESET.Avery old trick is putting 9 into the Iregister, so that the 1 And nasty Martin even dared 1 And lo! Ere long, from here and there% 1 And it was sent straight back. 1 And if you're wrong, admit you've lied& 1 And if you get 25% off a call after 10& 1 And even the odd (probably the correctterm) Amstrad CPC.< 1 And after that, I wondered about thegreatest number resulting in 1.I 1 An article was published, for 1 Amy Pandagirl 1 Amongst the new features in thissoon-to-be-released game will be invisibleplatforms, a moving drawbridge, platformsdisguised as spikes (that room isexcellent!) and even a few rooms whichlink to themselves and thus go on toinfinity. You can also expect somedeviously pixel-perfect jumps, and more ofthose long falls which quickly lose allyour lives! It's great fun. 1 Ammy choked and moaned then decided to goto sleep. Spex chose to write a game whichhad 4096 colours in it. A trick which hehad learned from Ammy. 1 Amiga Emulator: 1 Am I the only one starting to get tired of Bob telling me how 'good' it is totalk?, If want to phone my mother, blahblah blah, then I will, of my own accord, not because you've told me too. 1 Alternative CLS 1 Also: CLOSE# on IF1 or Opus is trapped,because of the bug in the Spectrum ROM.Disciple and PlusD don't work quite thatway; they use a different syntax (CLOSE#*)so that the Spectrum ROM can't handle itin the first place, causing the SpectrumROM to start the error routine. 1 Also included on the soundtrack are thevarious pieces of music (written by VeltonRay Bunch) which featured through out theseries. 1 Alphabet Rap - this is the 'song' sung by Al (Dean Stockwell), to an inmate of aP 1 Allie Weston 1 All the ideas I gave before can be usedwith the +D, although you should turn offany colours set in a filename or the wholecatalogue will assume these colours. Mindyou, you could have a protection system ofblack on black... 1 All that you need now is a BASIC loader.You can either modify the one on the tape,or use this:` 1 Alien's faces: THE ABYSS (Aliens under thesea)./ 1 Alien Evolution, Auf Wiedersehen Monty128k, Toyota Celica GT Rally, ConvoyRaider, The Final Matrix, Footballer OfThe Year 2, Future Knight, Krakout, LotusEsprit Turbo Challenge 128k, Monty IsInnocent, Jack The Nipper 1 & 2, GrumpyGumphrey Supersleuth, The Duct, ThingBounces Back. 1 Alchnews Adventures 1 AlchNews is a copyrighted program, you arenot allowed to alter any part of itwithout permission. But, you are allowedto make a back-up copy of your originaltape, be it to another tape or disk. 1 AlchNews adheres to the code of practicelaid down by the PRESS COMPLAINTSCOMMISSION, and has done so since issueone. We also follow strict guidelinesestablished by other authorities. 1 Albert Harper 1 Alan Sugar, C/O the: 1 Ailens, er.. no sorry, Aliens. 1 Ahh... Well that's enough complaining forone article I think...@ 1 Ahem, so, another thing I noticed aboutour demos, is that they are all mostlycrap. Yes I'm admitting it, because it'strue. But they are getting betterthough... I am advancing in Machine Codeand can almost code properly! I can now doupward scrollies,(whoopty do), animated Vumeters (dont worry if you don't know whatthey are, I didn't!) and other things.Also, I figured out how to use SoundTracker properly, so I can now writefairly ordinary tunes. 1 Again: goodbye to the information on yourfloppy (or in this case only this onefile, but nevertheless...).Another lethalbug in the disk system is what you get ifyou SAVE or LOAD while a disk file isopen, but not to the disk that is in thedrive at that moment. In that case you see"1 open file" (or "2 open files" orwhatever) on the lower screen, andsometimes, but not always, the system getsstuck and you must RESET. 1 After the program has made the import, youcan then save the code as normal. If youare wishing to load into Tasword 128 +D,make sure that the ninth character in thefilename is "_" (underscore) and the tenthcharacter is "T". 1 After sitting there typing it in, only tofind that when you hit the RUN key, youwere faced with the familiar variable notfound etc..well this really got up myback. 1 After making several surveys of the& 1 After four days of studies, the vesselreturned to Earth. It was on the nextstudy of the planet, eleven months later,that it was discovered that 28% of thepopulation had disappeared. Over the nexttwo years, 97% of the population had died.By 2383 the last inhabitant of the planetwas dead. 1 After saving the odd shilling here,another 10 bob there, sorry i should havesaid 5p and 50p! well after a long timeand lots of overtime I managed to saveenough to buy a second hand one from afriend who had more money than me, who hadlost intrest. 1 After line 20 has been executed, theaddress in 23639/23640 is (let's say)26000, which is a byte holding a commabetween DATA items. 1 After having played the game severaltimes, I found out that numbers smallerthan 1000 always result in 1. But Iwondered what the smallest number would beresulting in an overflow. 1 After a long conversation with theshopkeeper about the latest consoles,Shanz saw a game which appealed to himinstantly. He ran home as fast as his legswould carry him and crashed into thehouse. 1 After reading the different! 1 Adventures: 1 Adventures. 1 Advantages:- user definable charcters andversatility / very reasonably priced.Included 16k ram pack.j 1 Addresses: 1 Adding Interface 1 does make it necessaryto switch back and forth between the newROM in the interface and the old ROM inthe Spectrum, though. Normally, theprocessor looks at the new ROM inInterface 1. 1 About the Spectrum I know more 1 About his precious new PC. 1 ATTR RST 16 1 ATT indicates whether the start of thesound needs to be gradual or instant.Obviously, in the case of a drum, we needno ATTack control, so we can forget aboutATT! 1 ATRB Change attribute settings i.e.protect, system and archive.F 1 AT 0,0;OVER 1;INK 7;A$:INPUT "" 1 ARSE QUOTA 1 AREA 51 - LET US IN! 1 AND ANOTHER THING... 1 ANALYSE This option switches you to theANALYSE screen and enables you to read ormodify non-standard sectors as used inprotected programs. 1 AN21.D 1 AN21.C 1 AN21.9 : FERRY FILING. DATA and OPEN#* 1 AN21.9 1 AN21.8 : PAULS PROGRAMS. The first of* 1 AN21.8 1 AN21.7 : ORDERING ALCHNEWS. Full details* 1 AN21.7 1 AN21.6 : THE ALCHEMIST FOUNDATION. Part* 1 AN21.6 1 AN21.5 : SURVEY COMPLAINTS. 1 AN21.5 n 1 AN21.46 : CREDITS & DISCLAIMER. 1 AN21.46 1 AN21.45 : TRADING POST. Newly revised.& 1 AN21.45 1 AN21.44 : TAPEDISC. Converting AlchNews* 1 AN21.44 1 AN21.43 : PAULS R*NTINGS. The second* 1 AN21.43 1 AN21.42 : EMULEARNING: ROM CUSTOMISING.* 1 AN21.42 m 1 AN21.41 : SERIALLY SPEAKING. Some quick* 1 AN21.41 1 AN21.40 : TYLER'S TATTLE. Des has been a* 1 AN21.40 1 AN21.4 : ALIEN INVASION. Independence Day* 1 AN21.4 1 AN21.39 : ADDING INSTRUCTIONS TO BASIC.* 1 AN21.39 1 AN21.38 1 AN21.37 : THE SPECTRUM SOUNDS OUT. UsingAN21.38 : OUT to obtain better 48k soundT 1 AN21.37 1 AN21.36 : THE JOY OF HEX. It was either* 1 AN21.36 1 AN21.35 : IMPACT SOFTWARE. The catalogue* 1 AN21.35 1 AN21.34 : ALCHVENTURES. 1 AN21.34 - 1 AN21.33 : ORSONS DODGY COLUMN. Not as* 1 AN21.33 1 AN21.32 : ZEN AND THE ART OF NOISE. It's* 1 AN21.32 } 1 AN21.31 : BACK IN TIME. Arnold Yates's old* 1 AN21.31 1 AN21.30 : GHOST STORY & POETRY CORNER.* 1 AN21.30 1 AN21.3 : WHATS GOING ON? News from the* 1 AN21.3 1 AN21.29 1 AN21.28 : GATHERING DUST. Dave Forrest'sAN21.29 : literally spirit gets freedom atT 1 AN21.28 1 AN21.27 : BETTER DIGITISING. Comprehensive* 1 AN21.27 1 AN21.26 1 AN21.25 1 AN21.24 : DICE REVIEW. In depth guide toAN21.25 : the best +3 disk toolkit around.AN21.26 :] 1 AN21.24 1 AN21.23 H 1 AN21.22 : SOUNDTRACKER SUPPLEMENT. More* 1 AN21.22 1 AN21.21 : ALCH TALES. Cartoon humour by* 1 AN21.21 1 AN21.20 : GETTING THINGS INTO PERSPECTIVE.* 1 AN21.20 1 AN21.2 : SPECTRUM & SAM FAIR. Full* 1 AN21.2 1 AN21.19 : FUNNY FILENAMES - +D PROTECTION.* 1 AN21.19 i 1 AN21.18 : DIZZY'S RETURN. Reviews of two* 1 AN21.18 1 AN21.17 : FG BUGBUSTER. Ferry Groothedde* 1 AN21.17 > 1 AN21.16 : POETRY CORNER. Paul Howard wins* 1 AN21.16 1 1 AN21.15 1 AN21.14 : ROY'S RANTINGS. Double helpingAN21.15 : of humour(?).A 1 AN21.14 | 1 AN21.13 : JET SET WILLY QUIZ. With* 1 AN21.13 1 AN21.12 : THORPE'S TRAVELS. New series* 1 AN21.12 1 AN21.11 : CONGRATULATIONS. Kind words of* 1 AN21.11 z 1 AN21.10 : PAULS RANTINGS. First of two in* 1 AN21.10 1 AN21.1 : FREE GIFTS. Programs supplied* 1 AN21.1 [ 1 AN21.0 : FRONT COVER & INDEX. This file.) 1 AN21.0 Y 1 AN11 - AN21 1 AN/UC&US Bugs by Ferry Groothedde! 1 ALCHNEWS21 1 ALCHNEWS is a quarterly disk magazine,primarily dedicated to the Spectrum, butcovering all kinds of stuff that you like.~ 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH 1 AIM: You mean you've never played a Dizzygame before?6 1 AIM: You certainly must! The object of thegame is to destroy the round objects onthe screen with a laser. Simple? Notquite, the laser is fixed and you mustdeflect it's beam with a series ofmirrors. 1 AIM: Tetris 1 AIM: Similar to Othello and Backgammon,you play against the computer trying togain control of the board. Your pieces canmove forward into the next square andduplicate, or you can jump two squares (noduplication). When you land next to theopponents pieces, they change to yourpieces. You cannot jump onto an occupiedsquare. 1 AIM: Another horizontal scrolling shoot-emup, but you are a frog in some kind ofspaceship or submersible craft!s 1 AIM: Similar to Connect 4. There arenumbered and coloured balls on the screen.You must move them to others of the samecolour. The aim is to clear the screen. Ifyou cannot match any balls together, moreappear on the screen! 1 AIM : Guide a ball through 174 screens ofobstacles while bouncing along the path ofhexagonal paving stones which scrolls downthe screen... 1 ADVENTURE WORKSHOP 1 ADJUSTING THE PAUSE 1 ADDING SOME DEPTH 1 ADDING NATURAL TONES 1 ADDING INSTRUCTIONS TO BASIC 1 ADD Add the current block number to theLog.. 1 AD: Er, yeah. See, my hands are on thetable here.5 1 AD: D'you reckon that was true, Roy Bensontaking legal action?> 1 AD: A bit risky, 'phoning that number. Imean, what if someone called Matthewreally lived there?g 1 AD: Yeah, 'course they do. They havepyjamas under their suits.D 1 A: Not funny. 1 A tear glistens in my eye as I watch thecurtain fall on this, the last ever Paul'sPrograms. It is surely the end of an era,a glorious golden age in which - 1 A smiling refund would have done 1 A screen compressor 1 A quick way to check this is to rotate bitzero - which is at the extreme right handend of the register - into the carry flag,then check on the status of the carryflag. The RRA does the rotation, and theRET NC ReTurn when there is No Carry. Sowhen BREAK is pressed and bit zero ischanged from 1 to 0, the RTS intructionbreaks out of the routine. Otherwise itcontinues. Note that some assemblers mayrequire RTS NC rather than RET NC. 1 A port is the channel of communicationbetween the computer and the outsideworld, and here the outside world includesthe keyboard, which is a peripheral as faras the microprocessor and its associatedROM and RAM are concerned. 1 A partial disc catalogue could be obtainedusing selective wildcards, eg CAT 1"A*"for all files beginning with A. To be acomplete git, you could give every file onthe disc a name beginning with CHR$ 16.However, remember that this will causeerrors in auto-cat-'n'-load programs suchas AUTOCAT and AUTO FREE. Plus, is theprotection gained really worth all thetrouble when you want to save, load andshuffle individual files? I'd definitelyadvise not doing it until a software itemis completely finished, and keeping anunprotected copy for yourself to avoidhair-tearing when you want to update it. 1 A normal file is a block of data that canhave items added to it, and read from it.A SERIAL file is like one long stringfile, where you must read and write datain a particular order. For example, if youwanted the tenth item, you would have toread the other nine items first. 1 A nice crop of non-PD goodies again foryou this issue, and a well deserved breakfrom Jet Set Willy! This issue contains acouple of Gremlin titles, an interestingshareware utility for emulator and 128kowners, and some fantastic Russian games. 1 A man named Martin Sherbert thought# 1 A long time ago I saw a game in a book"Playing with your electronic pocketcalculator".` 1 A large collection of approximately fifty+D utilities for almost every application:unerasing lost files, reading PC and Opusdiscs, converting files between tape and+D, exiting to BASIC with the snapshotbutton, viewing clip art discs, testingfiles for corruption and much more.Whether you use G+DOS or BetaDOS, youwon't be disappointed. 1 A hard-up owl. 1 A decent art package 1 A catalogue is available 1 A SUPPLEMENT TO THE SOUNDTRACKER-GUIDE& 1 A Romantic Robot Videoface digitiser$ 1 A Marshall 1 A GHOSTLY ENCOUNTER! 1 A Cresswell 1 A COMPARISON 1 A word of advice - don't go to anybranches in Sheffield, Rotherham, Leeds orDoncaster, as I've bought the entire stockin that area - 150 boxes! 1 A lot of the Windows '95 software(networking, media player etc) will neverbe used on this PC, so I think thereshould be a "wizard" (as PC programmerscall them!) to let you choose which piecesof software you want to install and whichyou don't, after reading a description ofwhat each does and its 1 A clip art collection from ExpressSoftware with over 200 extractablegraphics for your own use. Most graphicsare in colour and all are less than onequarter screen size. Incorporates full +Dsave and print functions. 1 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ 1 <The previous paragraph is NOT supportedby the AlchNews editorial staff. Ed. BTW,did you try the Liverpool dialing codefirst?> 1 <If you need a new copy of Pictionary, whynot visit the SPECTRUM GAME FINDERSERVICE, open 24 hours, reasonable prices,swift service. Ed> 1 <Here it is:> 1 <Finished? Your magazine wasn't totallyerror free either. And while we're on thesubject, lets take a look at the disk yourcontribution was sent on: 1 <Editorial comment: The character 'MartyShortobrains used by the United Mindsbears NO resembelence to the 'MartyShortobrains' featured in previous issuesof AlchNews. Any resemblence between thetwo, or two persons alive or dead, ispurely co-incidental.> 1 <All that, just to say that Spectrum gamesare more playable than the games of today,which are ten times more expensive? Right,that's your lot. Any more wasting ofAlchNews space like this and you'll befined `1 per kilobyte wasted! Ed> 1 <<Oi! That was James Waddington doing animpersonation of me! Real Ed.>>I 1 <<??==>>JKJNJQ 1 < Snip! - Ed > 1 ;"LOADING PART ";CNT 1 ;"LOADING INDEX": 1 ;" YS MEGA 1 : Seasonal. 1 : REM disk/M'drive file 40 READ a$$ 1 : READ a($) 1 : JOHNSON'S FOLLY 1 : C1A0 C350 CE20 1 : 6th planet of eight in Beta 1 : 0.668ES (32% smaller than 1 9866TM LUTJEGAST 1 90 LET F=V^(1/6): LET Y=F 1 90 GOTO 70 1 90 BEEP.007,31:PAUSE 5:NEXT N: FOR N=1 TO) 1 9. Which leading characters can beredesigned using the Spectrum ElectronicsJSW Editor?_ 1 9 notes : +07 1 82,32,240,193,16,233,201 1 80 PAUSE 100 : GOTO 40 1 80 PAUSE 0 1 80 BEEP .007,31:PAUSE 5:RANDOMIZE! 1 8. In which room does Jet Set Willy becomea winged horse?9 1 8. ANALYSE 1 8 Caxton Street 1 70 RANDOMIZE USR 63001:BORDER 1 70 PRINT MEMORY;" bytes free." 1 70 PLOT 127-K,74: 1 70 OUT 65533,13: OUT 49149,2+4 1 70 OUT 65533,13: OUT 49149,2 1 7. Who wrote the original Jet Set Willygame?/ 1 7) You can now load the TAP file into yourfavourite art package.@ 1 7 Manor Drive 1 7 Little Street 1 7 LET a$(10)="T" 1 63001:BORDER 0:PAUSE 2.5 1 62 Roebuck Road 1 60 READ b$: REM error report "Out of DATA" (Spectrum) or "Data has all been read" (Sam)\ 1 60 Queensfield 1 60 PRINT "Program is ";LENGTH;" bytes% 1 60 POKE 23739,244 : RANDOMIZE USR 49152 70 NEXT X3 1 60 PLOT 127,K-100: DRAW 127-X-PEEK 23677,) 1 60 OUT 65533,12: OUT 49149,10 1 60 BEEP .007,31:PAUSE 5: RANDOMIZE USR) 1 6. Where is the Rocket Room in Jet SetWilly 2?2 1 6) Press S again for SCREEN and then T forTAPE./ 1 6 Tithe Barn Way 1 6 Ravensmead 1 6 LET a$(9)="_" 1 54 Deanscroft Avenue 1 54 Number 6 6 1 51069 KOLN 1 50 Westgate 1 50 PRINT a$: REM second string 1 50 POKE x,a 1 50 POKE x,CODE a$ 1 50 POKE 63003,2:POKE 63009,50: FOR N=1 TO) 1 50 OUT 65511,11: OUT 49149,10 1 50 LOAD "ANxx."+STR$ x CODE 1 50 LET Y=174: LET X=K+V*K: IF ABS (X) >' 1 50 LET MEMORY=X-W:LET LENGTH=Z-Y 1 5. What is the name of Willy's wife?$ 1 5. DISK ACCESS 1 5,32,-3,175,132,200,24,-14 1 5) Press S to Save and enter yourfilename.3 1 5 INPUT "Enter Tasword 128 filename ";& 1 5 INPUT "Enter Serial Filename:";! 1 49 Number 1 1 1 47 Mill Street 1 43 Gwydir Street 1 40 READ a$ 1 40 RANDOMIZE USR 63001:BORDER 0 1 40 PRINT AT 0,0;a$ 1 40 OUT 65533,7: OUT 49149,255-8 1 40 LET a=CODE a$ 1 40 LET Z=PEEK 23627+256*(PEEK 23628)$ 1 40 FOR x = 61 TO 72 1 40 FOR x = 41 TO 60 1 40 FOR x = 21 TO 40 1 40 FOR K=-126 TO 127 STEP 6 1 4. Which of the following exists as anenemy sprite in the original JSW, but doesnot appear in the game?k 1 4. FILE CONTENTS 1 4. A short, wormy end. 1 4) Jab ESCAPE twice to return to theemulator and then press F5 for theMultiface.^ 1 4 Caxton Street 1 4 Bethune Close 1 4 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012- 1 3: BEEP .007,19:PAUSE 5 1 39 High Street 1 38 North Street 1 36 Grasmere Road 1 34 Bourton Road 1 33 The Wicker 1 32 Dursley Road 1 31 Ashwood Drive 1 30 RANDOMIZE USR 63001 1 30 OUT 65533,8: OUT 49149,15+16 1 30 OPEN #4, 1 30 LOAD"ANxx.C"CODE : RANDOMIZE USR 49100 40 FOR x = 0 TO 20< 1 30 LET Y=PEEK 23635+256*(PEEK 23636)$ 1 30 DATA 33,0,10,43,126,211,254,6,7,# 1 3. TEXT FORMATTING. It doesn't take 20seconds before you start writing to setthe right margin to 42 columns. It takeslong enough converting from PC to Spectrumformat without having to 1 3. Me: a wry north sod. 1 3. FILE INFORMATION 1 3. All those Yanks on the Eurostar trainwho spend the entire journey wailing attheir parents to take them to Euro Disney.~ 1 3. How many ramps and conveyors areallowed per screen using the SpectrumElectronics JSW Editor?k 1 3) Press N and type LAYOUT.SCR. 1 3) Mr P. HARRISON, KEIGHLEY. 1 3) MYSTERY BONUS - a square marked with aquestion mark, which may give you a goodor bad reward...d 1 3) Artificial wormholes. They do the sameas the above, but are created by themilitary in top secret installationsacross the world. The ones they create aremore powerful, but some echos andafterwaves escape and float around theearth. When they come across somethinglike your keys, they send them forward intime and then the wormhole collapses. 1 3 Wharfe Grove 1 2nd,approximately three seconds after we left.Through trial and error, we've discoveredthat if you return from a time trip tooearly, you have to loiter around a bituntil you reach the point where youwent back in time. Leave it too late andyou do an unexplained disappearence for aperiod. Plus, if you return to the spotwhere you happen to be standing - ooh,lots of blood and guts to clean up! 1 29 Barber Street 1 25:RANDOMIZE USR 63001 1 256-colour vector cube. 1 249 Dumbarton Road 1 23 Cleveland 1 22 PRINT AT 1 205,181,3,225,17,16,0,167,237, 1 20 RESTORE : FOR f=1 TO 10: READ a$:$ 1 20 READ a$ 1 20 PRINT a 1 20 POINT #4,65535: PRINT PTR 4: 1 20 OUT 65533,1: OUT 4919,20 1 20 LET X=PEEK 23730+256*(PEEK 23731)$ 1 20 INPUT #4; LINE a$: PRINT #5;a$! 1 20 Greenhill Drive 1 20 FOR x=3 1 20 FOR x=16384 TO 23295 1 20 DATA 6,5,197,33,0,3,17,1,0,229," 1 20 CLS: INPUT "VANISHING FACTOR ";V# 1 20 FOR N=63001 TO 63017:READ B: POKE* 1 2. What caused the bug in the Attic?$ 1 2. Son - reword a myth! 1 2. Plumbing. What's up with these funnyFrench bathrooms? The bath I used had somany levers and switches, it looked morelike a time machine. And the temperaturecontrol incorporates some kind of heavyduty combination lock. 1 2. INCOMPATIBLE TEXTFILES. I have told youon MANY occasions to send PC material asSTANDARD ASCII textfiles. Yours had about1/2k of control junk and filenames inthem. 1 2. DIRECTORY INFORMATION 1 2,-25:PAUSE0:RANDOMIZE USR 0 1 2) Press F10, X, L and make sure that itsays SCREEN.6 1 2) Natural wormholes. You pop them down,and an unstable wormhole zaps them forwardin time. Wormholes are usually short cutsthrough space, but they can also be shortcuts through time as well. 1 2) Ms B. DOWNSLAND, Goole. 1 2) TELEPORT - warps you to the nextteleport square9 1 2 REM Loads in a picture from +D / SAM' 1 2 North Hill Road 1 2 Cromwell Close 1 1996 A.Davis & Alch. Research 1 18 West Street 1 18 Tivoli Crescent 1 18 Mill Lane 1 18 Clyde Grange 1 167 INK colour 1 150 GOTO 20 1 140 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 140 1 14 Woodhill View 1 130 GOTO 100 1 13 Column 13 Horiz. centre 1 128K Music: 1 127 + (X<1) THEN LET X = SGN (X) * 127& 1 127 (C) sign (C) 1 123 Potternewton Lane 1 120 PLOT 0,77 - Y: DRAW 255,0 1 12 Miller Avenue 1 12 Frederick Street 1 110 PLOT 0,97 + Y: DRAW 255,0 1 11 Finsbury Drive 1 100 NEXT N:BORDER 0 1 100 LET Y=Y*F: IF Y>77 THEN GOTO 140$ 1 10. Which of these rooms exists in the BBCMicro version of JSW 2 but not theSpectrum version?e 1 10 issues old! 1 10 POKE 23693,71:BORDER 0:CLEAR 63E3$ 1 10 OUT 65533,0: OUT 49149,20 1 10 OPEN #4,"diskfile"RND: 1 10 OPEN #4,"D1:flopfile"IN : 1 10 LET a = 10 1 10 LET W=PEEK 23653+256*(PEEK 23654)$ 1 10 DATA "text1","text2","text3", etc$ 1 10 DATA "first string","second string"& 1 10 CLEAR 63E3:FOR N=63001 TO 63026:# 1 10 CLEAR #: FOR f=4 TO 15: 1 10 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7 1 10 BORDER 0 : PAPER 0 : INK 7: CLEAR 3199920 POKE 23739,111; 1 10 Line 10 1 1. What is the full name of Jet Set Willy3?, 1 1. NO LABEL OR IDENTIFICATION. It couldhave been anything, considering you havesent contributions on different formats onthe past three occasions. 1 1. DISK MAP 1 1. All their computers have funny AZERTYkeyboards with a long middle row, so thatmy name becomes Pqul Hozqrd.p 1 1. A short row? My end! 1 1) Type PAUSE 0 and press RETURN. Thisstops the ugly 0:0k overwriting the bottombit of your picture.h 1 1) SUPERCHARGE - a square marked with anarrow, which allows the next bounce tostay in the air for twice as long asnormal. 1 1) Mr R. PROWSE, Sheffield. 1 1) Bored spirits. They say that you'renever more than 20 feet away from a rat,why not the same for a ghost? In betweenhauntings and ghostly sounds, theyprobably like nothing better than hidingyour keys! 1 1 REM SERIAL FILE LOADER 1 1 DIM a$(10) 1 0:PAUSE 2.5:BEEP .007,19:PAUSE 5 1 ...and a Spectrum might come in handy too!* 1 ...I was at a friend's house a while agoand he was installing Windows '95 (don'tknow why, as he prefers 3.11 anyway!) on a486 DX2-50. I thought, "Ooh, this shouldbe quick, then we can play Commander Keen"(my favourite game ever!) but no! While hekept switching discs (a bit like singledrive +D copying actually!), I played somegames on his BBC Micro and managed tocomplete Bruce Lee (in about five games)before it was even half installed! I evenhad time to design some screens on MagicMushrooms (another favourite of mine). 1 - Orson's Slightly Dodgy Article -" 1 - (X<1): LET Y=100 + (X-K) * 74 /& 1 , or the addressspecified. 1 +D or DISCIPLE WANTED 1 +D Utilities PD Collection 1 +D Support: 1 +D DOS will still boot up with RUN asnormal, and any AUTO file will still beloaded - the +D doesn't mind these codes,it's only a problem when sending them tothe screen or printer. (The latter mayspew out a few question marks, or turn ona font you never knew existed, beforeprinting the rest of the catalogue or juststopping dead!) 1 +3 & CP/M Support: 1 * * * * * * * * * * 1 (despite what you may have heard, almostevery letter from myself to Mr Sherwoodhas been offering peace and an end to thismatter - I bet he never put those in his'fact' sheets!) 1 (d) Thomas the Tank Engine. 1 (d) Thirty-four thousand, six hundred% 1 (d) The Bathroom. 1 (d) Near a motorway service station# 1 (d) Naughty aliens from Mars playing with* 1 (d) Jet Set Willy: The Rather 1 (d) Jet Set Willy. 1 (d) Ethel the Aardvark. 1 (d) Bob Brenchley and Postman Pat." 1 (d) A texture-mapped, light-sourced,$ 1 (c) The Stables. 1 (c) Phaser Power. 1 (c) Maria. 1 (c) Maria, but not Willy. 1 (c) Jonathan Cauldwell. 1 (c) Jet Set Willy: The Deadly Mission.& 1 (c) An incorrect call to the arrow) 1 (c) Above the Watch Tower. 1 (c) A stapler. 1 (b) Willy, but not Maria. 1 (b) Up to two ramps and one conveyor belt.(c) Any number, as long as there areN 1 (b) Under The Yacht. 1 (b) The Banyan Tree. 1 (b) Mark Wilson. 1 (b) Jet Set Willy: The Continuing! 1 (b) Bertha. 1 (b) Above the Cold Store. 1 (b) A top hat. 1 (alter to 2B for right scroll) 1 (a) Under the Drive. 1 (a) Too many enemy sprites in one screen. (b) An arrow hitting an enemy sprite.O 1 (a) The Nightmare Room. 1 (a) The Foot Room. 1 (a) One of each. 1 (a) Matthew Smith. 1 (a) Marie. 1 (a) Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier.& 1 (a) Both Willy and Maria. 1 (a) A penguin. 1 (You may, in ign'rance of the facts# 1 (Wordprocessor software house) 1 (Two in one issue - you lucky readers!)' 1 (Supplier of registered Z80 emulator)% 1 (Spectrum, Amiga, PC software library)& 1 (Spectrum user group, disk magazine, helservice)2 1 (Spectrum software library. Best in world)* 1 (Spectrum non-PD software library)" 1 (Spectrum / SAM magazine) 1 (Spectrum / SAM mag and software library)) 1 (Spectrum +2a / +3 hardware and spares)' 1 (Software house, tape magazine) 1 (Software house, +3 utilities) 1 (Software house) 1 (Software hire / purchase / trade)" 1 (Sector selection screen) 1 (Sector data screen) 1 (Sam user group / magazine) 1 (SAM version of AlchNews) 1 (S,X,O,P,SPC),Kempston, Sinclair joysticks. Press 1 tostart or 2 to view options.S 1 (Retro magazine, finding service)! 1 (PCW & CP/M software library) 1 (PC shareware library) 1 (October 1995 update) `1.00 1 (Note: The SAM version appears around onemonth after the Spectrum release)K 1 (Note from Paul: The check for 128k modecould of course be done with 23669, alwayscontaining 26 for 48k mode, but this seemsto work just as well!) 1 (Multi format paper magazine) 1 (Mikropol is a good one) 1 (Magazine, software service, T-shirts!)' 1 (I bet Andy will have hours of funrejustifying all the program lines from64-column to AlchNews format! If he makeslots of mistakes like in my last programsection, I'll get him!) 1 (He's now lost FPDEE's), 1 (Hardware: QL, Z88, Spectrum) 1 (Hardware projects and sales) 1 (Hardware manufacturers) 1 (Formerly Beta Hydri Six) OS reference: 2913BH293383.069 1 (For those of you who are either too youngto remember, or who have never seen spaceinvaders, it was and still is even, abasic shoot-em-up with no extra weapons,no fancy graphics or sound, justexcellently simple, time-holding gameplaythat in my opinion and indeed a fewothers, has still never been superseded.Except maybe for Pacman, but that'sanother game!) 1 (Club for all machines. SPECTRE is Spectruand SAM club).8 1 (C) Surdakar Group 1 (C) PA SOFT / Code Masters 1 (C) D. Fountain & Fountain PD 1 (C) Ant Purvis 1 (C) Alex Dick 1 (Art Studio 128 is excellent) 1 (Amulti-format user group), SCU (a Spectrumtape / disk magazine), GALAXY SOFTWARE (Asoftware house), and HAMMER PD (a small PDlibrary). 1 (After legal action by Roy Benson!)# 1 (Adventure software house. 10 years oldSorry you're the last mentioned Johnperhaps you should change the name tAENOBI!) 1 (Adventure software distributor) 1 (A refugee of SPECTRUM UK) 1 (...thinks thinks thinks...) 1 ("ExecutingCONFIG.SYS on C:" was one out of abouttwenty!).> 1 'You'll see. Just wait.' 1 'Why did you fit a sub-standard disk drivein your machines, instead of a 3.5" drive,was it because you got them cheap from amate, or were they ripped out of yourunsold Amstrad CPC machines?' Dept.Amstrad PLC. 1 'Some strange person who doesn't 1 'September 2nd. Two days AFTER the releaseof AlchNews 21', he retorted.G 1 'Ok, no problem, just give me an hour.' 'An hour, whats an hour going to do?'O 1 'Erm, it's erm', I mumbled, straining tosee the calendar.; 1 'Do you know the date?', he asked." 1 'Ah, yes.', he said. 1 &&o&+i+((& 1 & Life on Mars! 1 "You spoilt little, little" his motherbellowed, and smacked the back of hishead, making it sting like Shanz had neverknown, and thumped into the kitchen. "Ifyou want another games console, you'llhave to work for it!" She shouted afterthinking it over. 1 "You have to press up, right, down and thered button with the blue dot twicefollowed by the green button with thestripe and the other green button with thecross on it together to do a kick." Shanzexplained. 1 "You can now!" Spex blew as hard as hecould through his interface port andclouds of dust settled everywhere.v 1 "Yes, my computer's ten years old! 1 "Yes I do!" his mother replied gently: 1 "Yep. The earlier the better as far as I'mconcerned!"5 1 "Yeah!" Ammy began, "After a bumpy ridehere, Shanz, (the 13 year old boy whoplayed with the computers when he wasyounger), ripped the packaging off me.Pain doesn't come into it! Agony morelike! Then he tried putting all sorts ofthings into my sockets! The worst was whenhe stuck a pencil in my power slot. Thatkilled!" 1 "Will you just look at this, guys? Davemust have sneaked out when we weren'tlooking and stolen my only copy ofAlchNews 22! You know, I really thought wecould trust him." 1 "What?" replied Shanz, innocently, "I wasgoing to ask you what that handheld gamesthingy you've got is."j 1 "What?" Shanz asked, nervously. 1 "What use is that?" I said, voice low.& 1 "What fun to do the same!" 1 "Think yourself lucky" interrupted Spex,"when he got me out, he sat on me! Mymembrane never felt the same again! Thenon top of that, he poured a full glass oforange juice onto me! Everything wentblack and white then all I remember issome fizzing. Next, I woke up and someonewas screwing me back up saying 'fancyrepairing this old thing?' Mind you, I hadthe last laugh, I gave him an electricshock! Ha ha, it was so funny, he threwhis cup into the air and it landed on hishead with an almighty clink!" 1 "These true reports just will not do!% 1 "The Further Adventures 1 "That's right," I said, voice icy cold,' 1 "That'll be three pounds fifty for themagazine, you cheeky little monkey!" askedthe shopkeeper, smiling.l 1 "That spiders back again Ammy" squeakedSpex./ 1 "So how exactly can you tell," 1 "So how d'you ever learn?" said I." 1 "Shanz, what was that?" His motherbellowed, thudding up the stairs, two at atime. "I've told you before not to slamthe doors in this house! Go on, getdownstairs while I clear this mess up." 1 "Phew, that was a close shave - andeveryone's here to meet me. Hang on aminute, where's Dave got to?"q 1 "Okay so the games on Spex might not havehad more colours than the eye can see. Andthey might not have had CD quality musicor sound effects, but they were playableto the end and were worth every pennyspent. Ok some games weren't as good asothers and some were downright pathetic,but what I am trying to tell you is this.Youngsters nowadays haven't had theknowledge of lovable computers or theirgames like the ones on the Spex or Ammy,or even Codmo (The Commodore 64). Nor havethey had the experience of writing basicprograms that beep every time a key ispressed or whatever, unless that is, theirparent(s) have kept the loved machine andblown away the cobwebs to explain and showthe precious and enjoyable moments theyhad shared with their beloved computers,with their children. (Gasp for air) 1 "Ok, I'll go first" Spex said eagerly "Ispy, with my little LED Searcher somethingbeginning withb 1 "Oh this" he replied, "it's just a P.G.D.Pretty old nowadays. I tell you what, youcan have it if you want it. But you'llhave to give me something for it!" Hesaid, looking straight at Shanz. 1 "Oh alright then" she replied reluctantly,trying to work out how to hold thecontroller._ 1 "OK, we've started the conveyor belt. Youhave one minute to send the software downthat metal chute or Paul gets the mower.Ahahahah 1 "Not now love" his mother replied gently"I'm cooking your fathers tea."I 1 "No, I'm busy with your fathers tea.You'll have to play with them yourself."His mother replied.g 1 "No you don't. I wanted to show you thispicture of a games console I would like,but you aren't bothered!" and with thisShanz started to cry, knowing full wellthat he would get anything he wanted. Hismother gave him the shock of his lifethough. 1 "Mum, have you seen this game? It looksbrilliant!" He said excitedly, tugging hismothers jumper.c 1 "Mum, can you play on my computers withme?" Shanz asked, in a pathetic littlechild like voice.e 1 "Like this look" Shanz replied snatchingthe controller.9 1 "Just look at my amazing stock 1 "I've now bought Windows '98. 1 "I've never been taken apart. Just as wellreally I suppose. I know, fancy a game ofI spy?" sighed Ammyg 1 "I'm sorry" Shanz apologised, "It's justthat you never listen to me."G 1 "I suppose so!" Ammy replied, dejectedly( 1 "I say," he wheezed. "I say, my friend,' 1 "I preferred Space Invaders" his motherexplained and went back downstairs intothe kitchen to make some more food for hisfather. 1 "I can't see any dust!" Ammy moaned.$ 1 "I can't see anything else apart fromdarkness." Ammy sighed tiring quickly ofthis game.^ 1 "Hunky Speccy owner with all the latest hardware add-ons is looking for wholesome girl to POKE, PEEK and wibble rubberkeyboards with, rumpo guaranteed. 1 "Huh. I always have to do things bymyself" Shanz huffed to himself, knowingfull well that all his mother knows aboutcomputers is how to pull the plug out ofthe socket or how to shoot invaders fromspace with a tank! 1 "How dare you call my service poor?!$ 1 "Here mum, have a go!" He encouraged$ 1 "Have you got a paper round that I coulddo?" he enquired.; 1 "Fifty pounds?" Shanz replied. "It's onlyworth about fifty pence!"C 1 "Fifty pounds" the shopkeeper laughed andscanned the magazine into his till.M 1 "Enter Part:";cnt: 1 "Eight colours," I replied, "would do."' 1 "Eh?" Quizzed his mother (still trying towork out how to hold the controller).O 1 "Dust" Spex shouted. Ammy paused for amoment.1 1 "Don't worry, it won't hurt you!" repliedAmmy. Ammy is like a mother to Spex.N 1 "Don't even think about it sonny!" theshopkeeper grumbled, with a stern andmasterful voice.d 1 "Do you know what time it is son?" theshopkeeper replied< 1 "Do you give in?" Spex asked, exitedly& 1 "Do you remember when you first sawdaylight?" Spex asked Ammy.E 1 "Datum: 188,2379. Time: 05:36. 1 "Datum: 188,2379. Time: 05:34. 1 "Datum: 188,2379. Time: 05:19. 1 "Datum: 188,2379. Time: 03:32. 1 "D? Er, darkness." quizzed Ammy 1 "Could all these problems be my fault?& 1 "But sadly, the palette is small:! 1 "...two million pixels per square inch"' 1 "...plays ten CDs at once, you know."% 1 !!!(ooola oops are round) And he didn't wantto do that to AlchNews. Which was nice. Ina funky skillo sort of way. <No, no no. Isaid it would be very nice to use, butmeans readers would have to use one oftheir own disks, and since they've alreadypaid for a disk, they shouldn't reallyhave to use one of their own. Besides, ifyou invent a method to make the magazinebigger, I'll have to work harder! Ed> 1 is a nice round number.After entering the code, press # to returnto the main menu and then exit to Basic,where you can try your routine withRANDOMIZE USR 5 1 SPECTRUM: TAPE 1 SPECTRUM: +D DISK 1 SETUP PARAMS 1 SAM COUPE - UK 1 SAM COUPE - EUROPE 1 PC (EMULATOR) 1 OTHER SPECTRUM DISKS 1 LOAD PART 1 LOAD +D INDEX 1 CHOOSE PART 1 AMIGA (EMULATOR) 1 99 (5-7 digits).The object of the game is to reach 1without ev er getting an "overflow" (i.e:reaching a number of more than 8 digits).Everytime you have an odd number ondisplay, you must multiply by 3 and thenadd 1. When you have an even number,divide by 2. 1 SEPTEMBER 1996